How do people go about socialising?

Might sound like a stupid question but I’ve struggled with social anxiety for so many years I’m 24 and my only friends tbh are online, (I’m a heavy gamer.) I did have friends in real life but when my brother passed away just over a year ago they weren’t supportive in the slightest so I cut them out. Now it’s just me, my partner my son, and the same pattern everyday. I’ve got so bored and lonely, but I’m awful at socialising, I can’t approach people for the life of me and the area I live in I get a lot of crap due to the way I dress. How do you guys with social anxiety cope if at all?
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I think it's really once you get into a pattern of behaviour. I find it hard to socialise in person but when I have time to think behind a text I'm quite happy chatting.. I don't think I've made any new real friends in the last decade - acquaintance yes but nothing meaningful as I find it hard to open up

What do you play? 😊

@Sarah That does make sense.

@Hanna-Sofia I play COD, Fortnite and dead by daylight.

I can relate. I've always been a bit socially awkward, but it got worse since the pandemic (living in a big city after that has never been the same, so I moved). Anyway, most of my friends are from shared interest groups. I find it much easier to bond with people when I can skip the awkward small talk straight to the more interesting topics. So, have you tried getting your gamer friends for a get-together if you have some who are local? A games cafe/bar would be ideal if you have one nearby. Or organising a local mums group using the app? Good luck 😊

I feel like I've been struggling with this and lately I've just been like fuck it I'm going to put myself out there and just see what sticks. Also I love Dead by daylight and I play it.... Probably at least once a day 😜

@Genna Id love to play with you at some point if okay? My username is ItsEffyWitch

I feel you my anxiety won’t let me meet new people in person and hardly ever reply because I feel like they will just judge me😭 On another note I freaking love the way you look! So pretty🥹🫶🏽

Do you play Apex?

Why do you have to be across the pond! I’d happily hang with you at home 😂

do u play marvel rivals ? x

Sent you a request! I'm deathbydeadlift 😂

@Cece I don’t 😭

@Evie I don’t sorry 😔

How are you Effy?

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I'm also a heavy gamer. I don't go out and have break downs for not having real life friends. I'm on pc and my discord is Julialouise94! If you wanna add me and play sometime!

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