There is nothing happening over here! We have had sex a few times....we could have it more but I am just so tired after being home with our daughter all day while he is at work. He wishes it would happen more often but it's just not on my mind like that. I would rather sleep 💤
There’s no pressure at all to do it! However, what worked for me was pushing through. Now when we get in the mood, I don’t feel tired anymore because i let myself get carried away. My baby is also 3 months old, and now we’ve been more active, which is new because I was always feeling tired and not really in the mood. What worked for me was to not think about how tired I was and just relax so we can have some time together. I hope this helps!
Everyone is different. My husband and I have been intimate since week 7. It’s not as often as before parenthood but we make time and it feels like 2-3 times per week. BUT my LO sleeps all night which contributes to my health. I feel refreshed and well rested everyday and because of that I have energy. However, I have friends who say they went months without it because they’re tired or not in the mood. It’s about communication and making time for it.
Same for me. It’s only been once. Not because we’re tired but because our baby refuses to be put down to sleep. Our baby will only sleep if being held by one of us so we bedshare.