Top 100 Spanish Baby Boy Names & Meanings

Top 100 Spanish Baby Boy Names & Meanings

Ah, Spain ā€” the country bursting with flavor, vibrancy, and fiestas for every occasion. If you want to tap into that irresistible zeal for life, unique Spanish baby boy names are the way to do it!
The search for Spanish baby names yields some pretty spectacular results, and Spanish boy names are no exception.

And because the language is spoken so broadly throughout the world, the options are varied and plenty.

The global Spanish community is vast, stretching across Europe, Central and South America, Asia, and Africa, with about 580 million people speaking the language.

Between the growing strength of the Latinx community and the fact that Hispanic boy names are just so beautiful, itā€™s no wonder Spanish names for boys are growing in popularity in the US!

So whether you wish to celebrate your Spanish heritage or share a deep love for the lively culture, or even just wish for a unique name for your little one, weā€™ve gathered the most unique Spanish boy names to reflect any personality.

Letā€™s have a look!

In this article: šŸ“

  • What are some unique Spanish boy names?
  • What are unique Hispanic boy names?
  • What are some rare Spanish boy names?
  • What are popular boysā€™ names in Spain?
  • Whatā€™s a good Spanish name for a boy?
  • What is a cool Spanish boyā€™s name?
  • What are some Mexican boy names?
  • What are good Hispanic double names?

What are some unique Spanish boy names?

From the traditional to the religious-inspired, and even those distinctive Spanish takes on popular favorites, youā€™ll find plenty of inspo in mainland Spain for your little niƱo.

  1. Alamo: From the Spanish Ć”lamo, this melodic name means ā€œpoplar treeā€ which are known for being fast-growing.šŸŒ²
  2. Alejo: Meaning ā€œwarrior and defenderā€.
  3. Bartoli: Meaning ā€œson of a farmerā€.
  4. Brȧulio: Meaning ā€œshiningā€. šŸŒŸ
  5. Casimiro: Meaning ā€œfamous destroyerā€ ā€” a great name for a rebel in the making!
  6. Cesario: Meaning ā€œhead of hairā€, Cesario also appears in Shakespeareā€™s Twelfth Night.
  7. Chilo: Meaning ā€œfree manā€.
  8. Emiliano: A solid, practical name meaning ā€œworkā€.
  9. Figueroa: Meaning ā€œfig treeā€.
  10. Ignacio: Meaning ā€œfireā€. šŸ”„
  11. Kylian: Of Celtic origin, Kylian means ā€œwarriorā€. It also means ā€œsmall churchā€, if that has particular resonance for you.
  12. Naȅl: A shortened version of Nathanaȅl that means ā€œsuccessful,ā€ ā€œgenerous,ā€ and ā€œgift from Godā€. Talk about gifted!
  13. Sacha: A shortened version of Alexander, Sacha means ā€œhelper of mankindā€.
  14. Salvatore: Meaning ā€œsaviorā€. No pressure!

What are unique Hispanic boy names?

Throughout Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico and Central America, youā€™ll find a hispanic culture that is rich in tradition, diversity, and intriguing boy names. Check them out:

  1. Amidio: Kick-starting our unique Hispanic boy names is this standout name that means ā€œdemigodā€.
  2. Gabriel: Meaning ā€œGod is my strengthā€.
  3. GaĆ«l: Meaning ā€œgood leaderā€. Actor Gael Garcia Bernal has helped to increase the popularity of the name in recent years.
  4. Gilberto: Meaning ā€œbright oneā€. šŸŒŸ
  5. Guillermo: A Spanish form of William and often shortened to Guille or Memo, it means ā€œprotectorā€.
  6. JesĆŗs: A Biblical name meaning ā€œthe lord is salvationā€.
  7. Leo: Meaning ā€œlionā€. šŸ¦
  8. LeĆ³n: As well as being the nickname for a brave warrior, LeĆ³n also means ā€œlionā€. Fierce!
  9. Lucas: Meaning ā€œbringer of lightā€. šŸ’”
  10. Max: The shortened version of Maximiliano, it means ā€œthe greatestā€. šŸ¤©
  11. Thiago: Meaning ā€œmay God protectā€.
  12. Valentin: Meaning ā€œhealthy and strongā€. šŸ’Ŗ

What are some rare Spanish boy names?

If youā€™re looking for uncommon boy names in Spanish, these distinctive titles may be the perfect options for your one-of-a-kind little one:

  1. Saturno: Italian in origin, this impressive name comes from the Latin saturnus and means ā€œsowing seedsā€ in honor of the Roman god of agriculture.
  2. Toro: Meaning ā€œbull-likeā€, this is a great choice for a Taurus baby. šŸ‚
  3. Tuto: Meaning ā€œfairā€ or ā€œrighteousā€.




What are popular boysā€™ names in Spain?

Some of these names have origins in other parts of the world, but they are currently making waves in Spain. And for good reason!

  1. AarĆ³n: Originally of Hebrew origin, this is the Spanish version of the Biblical name Aaron which means ā€œmountain of strengthā€. ā›°
  2. AdriĆ”n: Meaning ā€œsea or waterā€. šŸŒŠ One of the more refreshing water baby names.
  3. Alexander: A strong name of Greek origin that means ā€œprotector of menā€.
  4. Benjamin: A sweet name that can be kept as is or shortened to Ben, it means ā€œson of the Southā€ or ā€œson of the right handā€. Fun fact: the youngest child is sometimes called the Benjamin of the family.
  5. Jack: Traditionally a British name meaning ā€œGod is graciousā€, itā€™s recently gained popularity in Spain.
  6. Dany: From Danielle or Daniel, Dany is a gender-neutral name meaning ā€œGod is my judgeā€.
  7. Dario: Meaning ā€œpossessing goodnessā€. šŸ’–
  8. David: An old classic thatā€™s going nowhere. It means ā€œbelovedā€.
  9. Dilan: A popular name with various meanings, from ā€œson of the seaā€ from Welsh origins to ā€œlike a lionā€ from French. Boundless choice for baby!
  10. Elias: As the Spanish form of the prophet and miracle maker Elijah, this name is ever-popular and means ā€œYahweh is my Godā€.
  11. Eliot: This sweet-sounding name means ā€œthe lord is my Godā€.
  12. ƉnaĆ«l: One of the more unique Spanish boy names, this unusual title means ā€œangelā€. šŸ‘¼šŸ½
  13. Eric: Old Norse in origin, this Scandinavian boyā€™s name means ā€œeternal rulerā€.
  14. Ethan: Much like its popularity, Ethan means ā€œstrongā€ or ā€œenduringā€.
  15. FĆ©lix: Meaning ā€œluckyā€.
  16. Finn: Of Gaelic origin, Finn means ā€œfairā€.
  17. Hugo: A solid name for a rising brain box, Hugo means ā€œintellectā€. šŸ§ 
  18. IvĆ”n: Meaning ā€œyoung warriorā€. āš”ļø
  19. Julian: Meaning ā€œyouthā€.
  20. Kaiden: An endearing boyā€™s name that means ā€œcompanionā€.
  21. Levi: Meaning ā€œjoined in harmonyā€.
  22. Luis: Meaning ā€œfamous warriorā€.
  23. MaĆ«l: An Old Celtic name meaning ā€œprinceā€. šŸ‘‘
  24. Mason: Meaning ā€œstone workerā€.
  25. Matthėo: The Spanish take on Matthew meaning ā€œgift of Godā€.
  26. Micah: Meaning ā€œone who is like Godā€.

Whatā€™s a good Spanish name for a boy?

Well, there are many but these are our favorites:

  1. MilĆ”n: Meaning ā€œlovingā€, ā€œkindā€, or ā€œwith graceā€ ā€” how can you resist?
  2. Milo: With a number of origins, Milo means a few different things: ā€œpleasantā€, ā€œsoldierā€, ā€œhonorableā€, and even, ā€œappleā€. šŸŽ
  3. Nathanaȅl: Often shortened to Nathan, this beautiful name means ā€œgift from Godā€.
  4. Nicky: Meaning ā€œpeople of victoryā€! āœŒšŸ½
  5. NoĆ©: Meaning ā€œrestā€. šŸ’¤ Not a bad thing to encourage in your baby.
  6. Noel: From the French Noelle, meaning ā€œChristmasā€ or ā€œbirthā€ ā€” ideal for December babies.
  7. Oliver: Meaning ā€œolive tree planterā€. šŸ«’
  8. Oscar: Meaning ā€œdeer loverā€. šŸ¦Œ
  9. Robin: Meaning ā€œfameā€ or ā€œbrightā€. šŸ”†
  10. Samuel: Meaning ā€œGod has heardā€.
  11. Sydney: Originally an Old English name, Sydney means ā€œwide meadowā€.
  12. Thomas: A perfect name for your little Gemini, Thomas means ā€œtwinā€. ā™Š
  13. Timeo: Meaning ā€œhonoring Godā€, this sweet name can be shortened to Tim.
  14. Yanik: Meaning ā€œGod is graciousā€.

What is a cool Spanish boyā€™s name?

Spanish names have a natural charisma but if you want to up the cool stakes, these unique Hispanic boy names and their meanings can deliver!

  1. Teo: A sweet short form of Mateo and Teodore, Teo means ā€œdivine giftā€.
  2. Arturo: Meaning ā€œcourageousā€ or noble.
  3. RaĆŗl: An undeniably cool Spanish name meaning ā€œwolf counselā€. šŸŗ




What are some Mexican boy names?

If you have special ties to Mexico, here are some Hispanic boy names that are unique, sweet-sounding, and meaningful.

  1. Alejandro: A popular Mexican boyā€™s name that means ā€œdefender of the peopleā€.
  2. Antonio: Meaning ā€œpriceless oneā€.
  3. Carlos: Meaning ā€œfree manā€.
  4. Daniel: A popular name in many parts of the world, Daniel means God is my judge.
  5. Diego: An Hispanic version of James meaning ā€œsupplanterā€. And of course the name of a certain artist. šŸŽØ
  6. Eduardo: Meaning ā€œwealthy guardianā€. šŸ’ø
  7. Fernando: Meaning ā€œcourageous adventurerā€ ā€” perfect for your little explorer.
  8. Francisco: Meaning ā€œfreeā€.
  9. Gerardo: Meaning ā€œstrong spearā€.
  10. Javier: Meaning ā€œnew homeā€ or, better yet, ā€œcastleā€. šŸ°
  11. JosĆ©: This is the Spanish version of the name Joseph and means ā€œGod will increaseā€.
  12. Jorge: The Spanish George, Jorge means ā€œfarmerā€. šŸŒ¾
  13. Juan: Like the English John, Juan means ā€œGod is graciousā€.
  14. Julio: Meaning ā€œsoft-haired youthā€.
  15. Manuel: Meaning ā€œGod is with usā€. It comes with cute nicknames like Manu and Manny.
  16. Marco: Inspired by the Roman god of war, this name means ā€œwar-likeā€.
  17. Miguel: Meaning ā€œGod-likeā€.
  18. Octavio: Meaning ā€œthe eighth oneā€.
  19. Pablo: Meaning ā€œhumbleā€ or ā€œsmallā€.
  20. Pedro: The Spanish version of Peter, Pedro means ā€œstoneā€ or ā€œrockā€.
  21. Raphael: Meaning ā€œGod has healedā€. And also the name of a certain Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. šŸ¢
  22. Ricardo: A lively Hispanic version of Richard, Ricardo means ā€œbrave rulerā€.

What are good Hispanic double names?

Double names are hugely important and quite common in Hispanic culture. That doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t find some non-conventional variations.

  1. Francisco Javier
  2. JosƩ Antonio
  3. JosƩ Luis
  4. Juan Manuel
  5. Marco Antonio
  6. Miguel Ɓngel

On a sliding scale from the coolest to the rarest, where do your favorite baby names for little one lie?

Why not share with our Peanut community!

And if you have a little niƱita on the way, check out our top 100 Spanish names for girls.

Ā”Buena suerte!

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