This article is sponsored by Tommee Tippee, a supporter of Peanut and women alike.
Thinking about making the switch from breast to bottle?
You’re not alone.
Many mums choose to combine the boob with the bottle — it’s a great way to get your partner involved in some of the legwork of feeding while giving you a well-deserved break. 😌
But what are the best bottles to use to make the most seamless transition?
We’ve got you covered, mama.
We’re putting the spotlight on the best bottle for night-time feeds, the best bottle for colic, and the overall best bottle for switching between breast and bottle — all thanks to our friends at Tommee Tippee, the experts in baby feeding. 🍼
In this article: 📝
- What are the rules for breastfeeding bottles?
- Our top picks for best bottles for breastfed babies
- Other bottle-feeding essentials
- How to get a breastfed baby to take a bottle
- Why won’t my exclusively breastfed baby take a bottle?
- Do I need to buy bottles if I’m breastfeeding?
What are the rules for breastfeeding bottles?
When it comes to picking a the best bottle for your breastfed baby, there are no rules!
Every baby is different, with different needs when it comes to breastfeeding bottles.
But there are some top tips to help you find the best fit before we dive in:
- Go with the (slow) flow. Slow flow bottles and teats can be easier for babies used to a breastfeeding latch.
- Keep to one bottle teat shape — changing it up too much can be confusing to baby.
- Silicone is your new bestie. Soft and gentle, the closest thing to your skin. Ditch the plastic (PVC and BPA), they likely won’t be much help here.
Now for some must-know info about using breastfeeding bottles:
- Start slow and keep it positive. Offer it when they’re happy, not when they’re hangry. Think “fun”, not “feeding frenzy”.
- Keep it clean! Sterilise baby’s bottles between uses for at least their first year. After that, you can switch to hot soapy water. (Psst — the Tommee Tippee bottles are all self-sterilising, so you can put them in the microwave to kill 99.9% of bacteria)
- Let baby set the pace! No chugging contests needed. They’ll eat when they’re hungry, you’ll chill and enjoy the snuggles.
- Consistency is key. So baby can get used to the bottle.
- There are no stupid questions. If you’re ever unsure about any part of baby feeding, ask your doctor or a lactation consultant.
Our top picks for best bottles for breastfed babies
Nipple confusion, colic, flow speed, latching… choosing the perfect bottle for your breastfed baby can be an ordeal.
But relax, mama — we’ve done the legwork and found the best breastfeeding bottles for every baby.
Whether you’re starting exclusive pumping, switching from boob to bottle, or you just want to change it up, you’ll find your babe’s perfect bottle here.
1. Best bottle for combination feeding: Natural Start Bottles
Looking for a bottle that’s the closest thing to breastfeeding?
If you’re worried your baby may need some convincing in the old “bottle is breast” scenario, you’ve come to the right place — this is the best bottle for a breastfed baby who usually refuses the bottle.
Welcoming to the stage Tommee Tippee’s Natural Start Bottle. 👏
Voted mums’ #1 bottle for switching between breast and bottle, its silicone, breast-like teat is a favourite among our Peanut Community.
It gets even more impressive.
95% of mums who tried it would recommend the Natural Start Bottle to a friend, saying their babe quickly took to the soft silicone teat.
So if you’re after a breast-like bottle or you’re worried your breastfed baby won’t take a bottle, this is the Holy Grail you’ve been looking for.
Best bits:
- Breast-like teat for easy latch — so long, nipple confusion! 🤱
- Silicone teat to mimic the natural movements of your breast. 🍼
- Flow speed that keeps up with your baby as they grow. 📈
- Anti-colic valve cutting down extra air flow, so baby won’t gulp down too much air (one of the main culprits of the dreaded colic). 💨
- Compact shape, so you can bring baby closer for those precious feeding cuddles. 👶🏻

2. Best anti-colic bottle for breastfed babies: Advanced Anti-Colic Bottles
Wrangling a colicky baby who needs an extra bit of help getting soothed?
We’ve all been there. 🫣
But never fear, mama!
Not only are the Tommee Tippee Advanced Anti-Colic Bottles a great choice as a bottle for breastfed babes — they’re also super effective at relieving colic discomfort!
Choose between a range of sizes (from 150ml to 260ml), and a single bottle, a two-pack, three-pack, or the ultimate kit — a six-pack (which, sadly, won’t give you rock-hard abs 💪🏻).
There’s also the option of a newborn starter kit for brand-new babes — it comes with a variety of bottle sizes, medium flow teats, 0-6m night-time soothers, and a handy bottle and teat brush to keep all of baby’s bottles squeaky clean. 🧼
Best bits:
- They’re self-sterilising — easy microwave sterilisation in just 3 minutes. ⏲️
- #1 for easing colic discomfort, as well as reflux and gas. 😌
- Patented vented wand to keep unwanted air away from milk and baby. 💨

How do I know if my baby needs a colic bottle?
Does your baby cry for longer than three hours a day, for at least three days a week?
Do they find it hard to be soothed, cry for no real reason, or have a tense body when crying (we’re talking clenched fists, or holding their body straight)?
If this sounds all too familiar, mama, it could be colic.
Colic is really common, so you’re not alone in this, and you haven’t done anything “wrong”.
Colic affects around 20-25% of babies (pretty much a quarter).
And, for around 50% of cases, colic will likely disappear within 3 months, and by 9 months of age 90% of the time.
But, in the meantime, we’re here to help. 🥜
Understanding what colic is — and how to recognise the signs in your babe — are the first places to start.
Now you’ve got your anti-colic bottle in your arsenal, you can always browse our top tips on how to calm a crying baby, to cover all the bases.
And if you want to chat with other mums who are in the throes of dealing with a colicky baby, or have lived to tell their tale and share their advice, head over to our Colic Babies Community to join in the conversation.
You’re doing great, mama. ❤️
3. Best night-time bottle for breastfed babies: Perfect Prep Day & Night Bottle
Bored of waiting for the kettle to boil when you’re half asleep?
Or sick of waiting for the water to cool down afterwards?
Tommee Tippee is at it again, this time with the Perfect Prep Day & Night Bottle.
Available in black, grey, or white, effortlessly match your kitchen decor while efficiently preparing baby’s bottle in a matter of minutes.
Use with water straight from the faucet — et voilà!
Baby’s bottle is ready. 🍼
It’s designed to be sleep-friendly, for easier, faster night-time feeding with less disruption.
It’s also kitted out with soft glow tank lights, bottle stand downlights, and adjustable volume control — no loud noises or bright lights to disturb baby. 💤
Best bits:
- Fresh formula feed ready at body temperature in just 2 minutes. ⌛
- 10x faster than using a kettle. 🌡️
- Adjustable base for different bottle shapes and sizes. 🍼
- Use it day or night — but really, it’s a dream for night-time feeding. 😴

Other bottle-feeding essentials
Now you’re clued on other the best bottles for breastfed babies, let’s cover the rest of your bottle-feeding kit.
Here’s a list of all the basic bottle-feeding essentials:
- Multiple bottles: Trust us, you can never have enough!
- Teats: Available in different flows (slow, medium, and fast), based on what your baby needs.
- Bottle brush: Great for deep-cleaning and stubborn milk-rings.
- Microwave/steam steriliser: For sterilising baby’s milk and bottle (the Tommee Tippee bottles are all self-sterilising, so you can sterilise them in the microwave!)
- Formula/breast pump: If you’re choosing to use formula for some bottle feeds or sticking to breast milk, you’ll either need to buy the formula itself or invest in a breast pump.
- Muslin cloths: Buy by the dozen — again, you can never have too many!
- Bibs: Keeping baby as clean as possible — in theory. 😅
- Fast-boil kettle: Great for those sleepy late-night feeds. 💤
What bottle teats are best for breastfed babies?
While there’s not much evidence that any particular teat is better than another, slow-flow teats are thought to be a bit easier for baby to get the hang of things, at first.
This is because they are thought to mimic the flow of breastfeeding. 🤱🏻
But as a rough [guide of teat flow by age], you may want to use slow-flow for 0+ months, medium-flow for 3+ months, and fast-flow for 6+ months.
How to get a breastfed baby to take a bottle
There are many reasons in favour of introducing bottles to breastfed babies.
Switching up breastfeeding with some bottle feeds allows partners to get involved, too. 👨🏻🍼
It could also let you take a break from breastfeeding — which, we all know, can sometimes be tiring. 😵💫
Combining bottle and breast is also handy for when you leave your baby.
Both baby and partner will be nicely stocked up with milk when you’re away from them.
When should you introduce a bottle to a breastfed baby?
Well, it kind of depends.
If you’re happy breastfeeding, you don’t need to introduce a bottle for a while. 🤱🏻
But if you want to have some flexibility in your baby’s diet and your feeding routine with your partner, experts say that you should introduce a bottle generally around 6 to 8 weeks old.
It’s also best to wait until your breastfeeding routine is well established before trying to switch things up.
How do you introduce a bottle to a breastfed baby?
If you’ve decided a bottle-breast approach is the best choice for you, how do we get baby on board with this plan?
How do I get my exclusively breastfed baby to take a bottle?
Here are some helpful tips to bear in mind when you’re waiting for that all-important latch:
- Wait till baby’s calm — not too hungry or tired. 😴
- A slow-flow teat can mimic the flow of breastfeeding, so that’s a good type of teat for bottle-drinking beginners.
- Use the same positions you breastfeed in, so baby’s physically reminded that it’s feeding time.
- Pump regularly between feeds to help keep your milk supply flowing.
- Don’t give up! It can take a while for your baby to latch on, but if they’re hungry enough, they’ll eventually come round to the idea.
🔍 Get prepped: How to Prepare Your Bottle: Ultimate Guide to Bottle Feeding
How often should you change a baby’s bottle?
Now you’re prepped with how to introduce a bottle to your breastfed baby, and you’re kitted out with the best bottles and products.
But how often does it all need changing? 🤔
Well, Tommee Tippee bottles are designed to last until baby’s fully weaned off the bottle — which is great news!
But they do recommend changing your teats regularly.
This should be around every 8 weeks for Variflow, and 12 weeks for Easi-Vent, so they’re in tip-top condition for baby.
Of course, if you notice any damage or weakness, like bite marks from tiny teeth, they recommend replacing the teat right away.
🔍 Safety first: How to Sterilise Baby Bottles: 9 Tips
Why won’t my exclusively breastfed baby take a bottle?
It’s a scenario our Peanut mums know all too well: you’ve stocked up on all the bottle feeding essentials, pumped lots of milk, sorted your milk storage, perfected the art of formula-making…
And baby’s just not in the whole bottle-feeding thing.
It can be frustrating when your exclusively breastfed baby refuses the bottle, but it’s actually quite common.
There are a few reasons why this might be happening, so let’s break them down so you can find the best solution for you and baby:
- Nipple confusion: The feel and flow of a bottle nipple are different from the breast, and some babies get confused by the switch. This can lead to them latching and unlatching, fussing, or refusing the bottle altogether. This is where a breast-like bottle, like the Natural Start Bottle.
- Changing bottle teats: Introducing different bottle nipple shapes and brands can further confuse the baby. It’s best to stick with one type if possible, ideally one that mimics the feel of the breast.
- Cold bottle: Babies often prefer the warmth and comfort of breastfeeding, and the colder temperature of a bottle might be off-putting. Warming the bottle a little can help.
- Flow speed: If the bottle flows too quickly or slowly, it can be uncomfortable or frustrating for the baby. Experimenting with different flow rates can help find the right fit. The Natural Start Bottle’s flow speed lets baby set the pace to nip this one in the bud.
- That’s not my mum! Ah, the perils of popularity. For when baby only wants to be fed by you, and no-one else will do. It’s a tough one, but being out of the room when others are feeding baby could help.
- Environment and timing: Wrong place, wrong time, and bam, baby’s outta there! Aim for calmer feeding times and more relaxing environments to help soothe baby into feeding.
- Medical issues: In rare cases, an underlying medical condition like tongue-tie or oral thrush can make it difficult for babies to suck from a bottle. If you think this could be the case, chat with your paediatrician.
- Developmental stage: Every baby’s different, but for some, introducing bottles too early is like expecting your baby to win a Nobel Prize in Physics. If you’re not sure whether baby’s ready for bottles yet, have a chat with a lactation consultant — they’ll be able to advise on what’s best for you and baby.
Do I need to buy bottles if I’m breastfeeding?
No, you don’t need to buy bottles if you’re planning to exclusively breastfeed your baby.
But it’s worth having some to hand anyway.
- If you plan to pump occasionally, you’ll need bottles to store and feed expressed milk.
- If you have a partner or other caregiver who wants to help feed your baby, bottles can make that much easier.
- If you have any medical conditions that put a pause on breastfeeding, bottles can be a great stop-gap to keep baby fed.
How many baby bottles do I need if I’m breastfeeding?
There’s no single answer to this, mama — it all depends on how often you’re planning on using bottles to feed baby.
Here’s a rough guideline to help you figure out what’s best for you:
- If you’re planning on pumping occasionally, but mainly breastfeeding: 2-3 bottles
- If you’re splitting pumping and breastfeeding equally: 4-6 bottles
- If you’re planning on exclusively pumping: 6-8 bottles
Ready to start? 🤱🏻🍼
It’s easier with the right support.
Join our Community of like-minded mums for advice on the best breastfed baby bottles (and so much more) on Peanut.
We’re with you all the way, mama. 🥜