Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
Just struggling. Baby dad has basically abandoned us. No contact and it hurts. He’s missing my baby’s life while being there for the girl he also had pregnant at the same time as me. That absolutely devastates me. How he can be present for one child and go out of his way to be there. But for my child he’s never put ...
In the newborn trenches with PP anxiety and baby blues around evenings snd night times. Baby won’t go in her bed and is awake all night long cluster feeding or just refusing to go down. My boobs are in agony. I hate myself for feeling this way because I love my baby but I can’t believe this is my life now. I knew...
I really wish I had a bestfriend relationship with my mom, but that’s not the case. I love my mom, I know she loves me too but she always plays the victim card. She never takes accountability for her actions or words. It makes it hard for me to freely talk to her. I thought that having a kid will help me get closer ...
Lightening? Blue shirt was 4 days ago white shirt is from today!!! Been having so much back pain lately and pain when I walk/pressure I’m 35 weeks as of today!
Hi, I’m a FTM to a 8 month baby boy and am 24 years old. My best friend who I’ve known for 15+ years was pregnant during my last few months of pregnant and she delivered her baby boy in feb 13. Unfortunately, her baby boy would go into liver failure a few days after being at home. After returning to the hospital and...
My 6month old cries all day, and I can't figure out what to do to stop it. She's showed no signs of pain, the doctor has said she's completely fine, she has plenty to do, she's fed and changed plenty, I just don't know what to do. Is this a thing everyone's dealing with right now, or just us? We introduced binkies ...
A couple months ago I begged my husband for help. I talked about being sent away to get my head right. I don’t live near my family and the only option was if his parents could watch our kids (his mom doesn’t work and his dad is always away for work) so I thought maybe it could work. Well nothing has happened from th...
I always do this. I burn myself out so badly. I get these awful migraines that make me throw up repeatedly until I'm in the hospital. How do other people manage this?
My toddler adores her grandmother (my mil) which is fine I have no issues with that but she adores her so so much to the extent that when she leaves her presence, she will start wailing and sobbing like she’s never done before. As though she’s genuinely heart broken. Calling her name and everything. It hurts. She do...
Hey. Anyone else with 2 or more children get extremely over stimulated?That mixed with lack of sleep plus exclusively breastfeeding get so angry at the smallest things!?!? I get so raged like my blood boils. I have an almost 3 year old and 4 month old and I have little to no patience atm. I feel terrible about it. ...
What was your first period after the baby like?
My baby hasn't dropped yet (due today FTM) and wondered how people felt before vs after dropping? I feel like my pelvis/lower abdomen has been so crampy because she's trying to wiggle down there.. Is there a bit of relief as they slot in? What is peoples experiences?
We had problems in the past and life has gotten a lot better. Or so I thought. Now I'm not sure. My daughter a little over a year ago mentioned harming herself (all the way) and got into crisis counseling and then normal counseling. We made a lot of lifestyle changes and I homeschool now and things hav been so wel...
I’m really struggling with PPD and my mum wants to stay for a few days. This would be so useful but I feel like I’m failing. I’m 29 and feel like I should be able to cope a year in but some days are still bad.
My daughter is 4.5 months and still has just a little bit of peach fuzz. I’m seeing a lot of babies her age with full heads of hair and just curious when everyone’s babies started to get hair! I love my little bald babe but am looking forward to getting to style it 🥰
At the end of the month I’m suppose to be going online a family girls trip to NYC, for 3 nights…Without my baby. She’s suppose to be spending a couple nights with my parents and then back home with my husband. I’m having a really hard time deciding if i should go or not. She’ll be 11m old so it’s not like she’s a n...
I’ve been wanting to try for baby number 2 for a couple of months now and my partner agreed this month. But we’ve just had unprotected sex and I’m not sure if I regret it. Has anyone else experienced this. My first daughter is 21 months
is it okay to feel overstimulated when baby just screams a lot lol, last night I cried so much with a lack of sleep and I’m 6 months post Partum, does anyone feel like this sometimes im a single mummy to a beautiful boy and I love him so much, just sometimes I burst out crying or I feel guilty because I told him ple...
I’m due to give birth anytime now and have been referred to the perinatal team due to just feeling anxious, they did say if I didn’t meet criteria they would advise other services but they have sent me a letter taking me under their care as ‘moderate’ now I’m panicking thinking there definitely is something wrong wi...
Has anyone looked at themselves down there and the aftermath right after birth? I have not and I don’t want to.. I just felt it with my hands and I feel my stitches.. is it normal that my stitches feel like a balloon and form on the outside of my skin rather than inside.. I literally have it down my anus.. how...