I’m in the same boat, except I cutoff contact with my mom a couple months ago. I still feel guilty from time to time but I want my daughter to see a loving mother daughter relationship. Not the toxic one I have with my own mom. I fortunately have a wonderful MIL who is always there for me. I hope you are doing ok, sending love and hugs 💛
She has passed now but yes I did as an adult
Moving out and getting married helped my relationship with my mom SO MUCH. I think it's because whenever we are able to see each other now, it's more special, because we don't live near each other. I wish we did, though. She has loved being a grandma. When I was a teenager/in my early 20's though, my mom drove me crazy.
I'm somewhere in the middle of she's my best friend but also have had to have boundaries. I have always been able to share everything with her but she tends to be very dramatic and will play the victim if it suits her. It wasn't until the recent years that she has taken true accountability for the trauma she caused in my childhood. I had already forgiven her through years of therapy but it was nice to have her acknowledge it.