Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Toddler & Child.
so my little guy is currently teething he's got 3 molars coming in and one front tooth and I don't know what to do he refuses to use teethers and just wants to chew on my finger all the time I need advice or honesty just someone to tell me it will be okay and pass🤣😭
First time mom, so my little man is 9 months and has no teeth yet. I’m not sure when a good time to try meat would be. I was told to wait till he has teeth then I seen that it wasn’t and just got me confused. Also looking for more food ideas as well. He mostly has fruits, veggies, scrambled eggs, pancakes, baby oatm...
This is my 4th pregnancy, and it's been the same every single one. I honestly just can't stand him. His presence, his voice, how he acts. I think maybe because I've got on with him doing bare minimum as I'm a sahm and he works and cknes back home late and tired, i just allow him to do minimal when it comes tonhome a...
It’s been so hard being a new mum and fighting with my husband so much recently! He says very hurtful things and over reacts! He does not want to spend time with me and baby and prefers to go out with his friends on the weekends! He apologises sometimes but will not let me explain how his very hurtful words upset me...
When did everyone’s babies stop just playing with the food and actually eating bits? We’re 3 weeks in with finger food and my LG happily takes it to her mouth and picks it up well etc. but mostly just plays with it… I know food is for fun but getting a tiny bit frustrated wasting food every night 😂
Can you recommend good private nurseries in Edinburgh for over 3 year olds who have councils funding? Ideally around the Bruntsfield area but can look in other places too. Range is 20 mins by car
Need to start leaving my LO with my husband so I can go to work. Anything to make sure this process is smooth? Feeling so stressed and anxious about this.
Would you be annoyed if your sister in law drove past your house every day but never came to visit her niece
I want to get little one to eat more independently. I give her puffs and yogurt bites anything else that is good for motor skills and independence?
Simple garlic, cheese and pea pasta. Dough balls and sweet potato wedges 😍 5yr and 2yrs old request
Hi ladies, I’m moving and I am going to give my kid a place space. Because I won’t be working for a little bit. I’m gonna need a TV in this room. I have a one year-old. Who likes to climb I’m trying to find a TV stand that is toddler friendly or something that can kind of take up the space underneath the mounted TV....
Why am I annoyed? Those dirty looks. Scanning eyes. I don't understand other moms trying to compete with me. I'm very intuitive so I pick this shit up instantly and it's very annoying Example. Every Saturday I'm at an activity with my son I see the few same moms. I like to get there early so my son can just gen...
Is anyone else’s LO going though an extreme clingy phase?? Last 2 days I can’t even go to the toilet without telling her or asking if she wants to come because if she sees I’m gone she gets HYSTERICAL 😩. She’s fine and well, sleeping and eating well but I do think back molars are coming in…
Would anyone mind posting their 9 month olds evening meals? I'm so worried I'm over feeding my LO
My LG is showing a lot of signs that she’s ready for food, sitting up my herself, able to put things in her mouth independently and has great head control. She also tried to grab my food and eat it. She’s been really fussy in the day and never full anymore too. I’m worried as it’s recommend to wait till 6 months. H...
What are you getting for your boys? Is ball pit/soft play sofa/montessori climbing set a good idea?
Anyone else solo (not single) parenting? My husband works long hours, massive commute. He leaves for work about an hour after Lo gets up and gets home about 30mins before he goes to bed. More often than not he has to do some work at home on the weekends too, to keep on top of things. I love looking after my baby but...
I used to live with my in laws and moved out after giving birth as they caused my PPD. Telling me what I should do with my baby, bitching behind my back,dismissing my rules around my baby. Long story short they love to backbite me but act fake to my face. Whenever I go there they will never bicker but once I leave I...
My LO has been teething for so long, however the past week his symptoms have peaked and his bottom gums along the top look quite white. What were the everyone’s experiences the days leading up to the teeth coming in ? Really hope any day now !
long story short, my bf and i haven’t been getting on well at all recently, our daughter is 10 months old and our relationship was close to ending a few days as we just aren’t getting along. Today, as i was getting ready to shower my bf kept saying he’s taking our daughter to see his mom and grandma (i am not okay...