Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.
had my first ultrasound today! not much to see yet but did see the heart flutter. definitely starting to feel real! 🥰 hope everyone is doing well!
I had my 12 week scan this morning, measuring a head at 13 weeks 2 days. Making my EDD 14 September 2025. So excited to see how much baby grew since 8 week scan 💖🫶🏻
I have my scan tomorrow at 8 weeks 5 days, badger notes says to bring urine sample. Did anyone bring one or did you do it while at the appointment?
Let’s hear it!! 💖💙
Hi all I am 28 + 3 days. Yesterday I had a midwife appointment and they did the fundal height tape measurement and it was 26cm. Midwife has referred me for a scan as said baby is measuring too small. I had a scan 3 weeks ago and they said baby was a week bigger than expected, which has confused me. I’ve also been g...
I had my anomaly scan today and baby was snug lying on their belly so the sonographer basically had to push down hard and jiggle my stomach a lot. Baby eventually turned and he managed to do everything he needed to check but now my stomach feels sore like someone has punched me! Worried now hope baby is fine in there🥹
Scan picture was taken at private scan at 16 weeks where we got told it was a boy. Had my 20 week NHS scan today and they said from what they can see they think it’s a girl. After multiple times double checking baby then crossed their legs so we had no luck at confirming the gender. What do we think? It’s definitely...
I just had an nhs scan to check something they picked up on my 12 week scan. Looking like a cyst on the placenta but not causing any harm to me or baby. She also confirmed it might be a boy! Has anyone started to think about names? I haven’t got a clue on boy names
Hoping for some reassurance… I went for a growth scan today at 34+2 and have been told that baby is measuring big at 97th centile. He is 2880g (6lb5oz) At 32 weeks he was 4lb 12oz They now want to test me for diabetes and have said it could lead to me needing an induction or c section I was always low risk and e...
Hi all, I’ve had my booking appointment at 8 weeks where they took blood, urine tests and asked lots of questions. I am due for another appointment week 11 then another for scan on week 12. Im just confused what happens at the appointment they gave me at week 11.. i think they are taking some more blood tests, is th...
Hi ladies, sorry if this is a stupid question. I have my NHS 12 week scan tomorrow. Is it just an external ultrasound? Or is there something else too?
Does anyone have any ideas ? 12 weeks 6 days scan.
Just after some advice, I’m a first time mum and my anxiety has been through the roof recently. I had a growth scan at 32 weeks, around 2 weeks ago and baby boy was on the 17tb centile weighing 3lbs 3oz. I went for another growth scan today and he’s gown down to the 9th centile weighing 4lbs 3oz. They have said not ...
I'm going out of my mind with worry so would appreciate others sharing their stories if this is something you too have experienced. My baby boys legs are measuring below the 5th centile at 29 weeks and 5 days, whereas at my 20 week scan he measured on the 9th. Google is making me fear the worst, and although the son...
We’re waiting to have a surprise but interested to know everyone’s guesses based on the ‘nub theory’. This was my 12 week scan 🤍
personally I have no clue whatsoever but curious to see what other people will say.
I know I'm biased, massively. But our first private one, baby looked like a little prawn. Second, it was slightly before 12 weeks and they looked like Homer Simpson 😂 this one at 15 weeks is the cutest thing I've ever seen. We also found out what we are having 🥹🥹🥹 look at their little nose! It's my first pregnancy…
Second baby I’m so sick of waiting to find out gender. First time was so much easier, I’m so so impatient. I’ve got 4 weeks to go. Am I going to book an earlier scan? No. Am I going to wait? Yes. Just wanted to get that off my chest.
I must have big babies or something, cuz holy crap. Due date was April 29th according to 3 scans, 1 scan measured due May 5th so we went with that one for longer time given before intervening if he wants to stay put. So I’m technically on 32 weeks. Big brother was born 37+1 at 9#10oz. He was estimated 13+# if he...
Had an awful nights sleep and now wide awake worrying about things. Got my 38 week scan today. already been booked for induction as on previous scans baby is big and I have polyhydraminos. I’ve had a successful previous induction and it was a good experience for me but I’m worried based on previous conversations wit...