Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Baby’s position

First time mum here (probably obvious) I had a private scan today, I’m 27 weeks pregnant. My baby is currently in a transverse position and pretty much has been in the same position since our first scan, I have been looking online and it says they usually move head down towards the end of pregnancy. Is that usually ...


Very early days!

My wife and I found out we’re pregnant earlier in the week, we’ve been trying for 4 years so this is massive for us! We’re booked in for a scan at 6+5 what do scans look like at that time?


25 weeks pregnant.

I am 25 weeks pregnant with a baby boy, and with my daughter I had lots of appointments and growth scans as I was under the recurrent miscarriage team but this time is different, I was deemed high risk until 14 weeks and since then they dont class me as that. I'm just not sure when I am next meant to see someone or ...


Scan at Watford General Hospital

Hey just wondering if any of you girlies have had a scan at Watford General Hospital? It says on the letter £5 per scan picture which is fine… but do they actually charge you? As when I had scans for my now 2.5 year old it said that in the letters but we never got charged 😂


Has anyone ever had a small gestational and yolk sacs but ended up having a successful pregnancy?

So I went for a "reassurance" scan yesterday and was told there was no baby found today. Also told my measurements are VERY small for 6 weeks. Here are my measurements: Gestational Sac (mean): 6.0mm Gestational Sac Volume: 0.1ml Yolk Sac (mean): 2.2mm What do you think? Is there a chance things could change in 10 ...


Scan at 10-11 weeks

Hi! Has anyone had a scan between 10-11 weeks? I’d love to see what baby looks like at the stage I’m at now! Please post your scan if you feel comfy to! Thank you❤️


Guess the gender!

13wk scan ❤️


Nub Theory Girl or Boy

13 week scan.. curious what people think?


4d scan

Does anyone know when the best time to go for a 4d scan with a anterior placenta please


I had a scan to see how far along

I’m super anxious and had a scan to see how far along. I know I’m early but I was worried and panicking. This was on Wednesday so if I go by first day of my last period I would have been 4+1? I think? There was nothing there at all. Is this normal? It’s got me worried. They have rebooked me in for 6 weeks but I’m un...



Hello, sorry guys bit of a personal one but I am nearly 17 weeks pregnant and have been told that at my 20 weeks check I’m going to have to have a transvaginal scan as I’ve had a biopsy on my cervix previously which could cause issues such as pre term labour. The midwife has checked on my notes how much they took of...


Any hints about the gender?

My scan was at 13 weeks and our baby was lying on her/his stomach which made it a bit tricky to see much of her/him 😂 The sonographer flipped the picture for us so I guess that’s why it looks a bit funny, I’ve been trying to figure out the gender with the nub theory and the skull theory but I can’t figure it out!…


Growth scan

Hey all, I've got an upcoming growth scan on Monday because apparently my fundal height is measuring on the lower side for gestational age. Feeling a bit apprehensive about how much I should even take this scan on unless there's a very obvious issue (placental failure, low amniotic fluid, etc.). I've seen SO MANY la...


How are we all feeling and what’s our due dates?

It’s early days for all of us and I for one go through a range of excitement and anxiety, especially as the first scan approaches! My rough due date right now is 7th November based on LMP. Just hoping all goes well at the first scan and extending those positive vibes to you all too 🧡


NIPT testing

I got my results back, and saw that I have a fetal fraction of 18% i saw in one of these groups that’s concerned high… anyone else have a high fetal fraction or even can explain what a fetal fraction is?


Paediatric appointment UK

I had a letter come through for my 4 month old, an appointment next week. Nothing on there to say what it is. Is it a routine one like they have when they get their hearing checked when they’re newborns? I know I could just call and ask but don’t want to look silly - I have been auto piloting life and if they to...


Gestational weight.. Interested to know if anyone else has experienced this!

At my growth scan was told baby had dropped to the 37th percentile from the 65th so we’ve got a scan for two weeks time, how ever my question is had anyone experienced this before? And basically if you had did your baby continue to drop or did they gain in weight.. Sorry just a very anxious mum 🙃


Nuchal fold

Hi I'm spiraling a little bit, could you tell me what your nuchal fold result was on your 20 week scan Mine was 3.5 but I have seen it's supposed to be lower then 3 And I've just such a horrible feeling If it is then why haven't they picked up on it?


Scan can’t come soon enough!

Anyone else feel like the wait for the scan is taking forever?! The closer it gets, the more worried I get that something is wrong! My scan is next week when I’ll be 12+6


Help, I am feeling soo sad :( Gestational sac and yolk sac present but no embryo present at the private scan at 6 weeks pregnant

The person performing the scan said the sac is measuring at 3 weeks. How is that possible? The first date of my last period was on 25th January and I got my LH surge/smiley face on 8th February. I then got my first positive test on 19th February. The lines on the clear blue tests have gotten darker. I haven’t had an...


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