Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Loss.
How soon after a miscarriage we’re you able to get pregnant
Hey, found out I was pregnant at the weekend and I’m so excited but I’m also terrified, I have an 80% chance of miscarriage due to a genetic condition I have, I managed to have my beautiful baby boy sept 2022 and was so lucky to have him, I really want another one but I’m so scared I’m going to lose this baby, I’m 5...
I had a miscarriage 7.5 weeks ago at 13 weeks. I did a test 3weeks post miscarriage and it looked negative (it was pretty hard to look at so I didn’t study it like I do when ttc). I’m now 7dpo and saw this today. What do we think? Could it possibly be a rainbow, left over hcg, a dodgy test 🤷🏼♀️ I just don’t know.…
I had a missed miscarriage in September after TTC for 3 years. I found out I was pregnant again last month. I have a scan tomorrow and terrified what they will / won’t see after what happened last time. I have sore boobs and feel tired, but don’t have nausea or other symptoms which is the same as last time. Does any...
Anyone else had a miscarriage 💔 and if so what helped you to get through it it hurts so bad I wish that he was still here with me 😭💙👼🏻
Feeling so anxious - 6 weeks pregnant, started bleeding Friday night and still bleeding now :( got a scan tomorrow morning. Expecting the news of a miscarriage and have accepted that’s probably the case but still feeling so anxious :( not really much point to this post just wanted to post
When did you start ovulating again after a miscarriage?? Worried to try again!
When were you told to take cyclogest? I took it with my two previous pregnancies after clomid straight away but recently had a pregnancy and the EPU would only give me it after they saw A viable pregnancy. Sadly it turned into miscarriage 😢😢 I think that’s the reason why, very frustrating.
Has anyone had experience of not ovulating first cycle after a miscarriage? I had a miscarriage/ miscarriage surgery in December had a period in Jan and I’m currently on CD 18 and all ovulation tests are negative????
I had my miscarriage 7 weeks ago and ai still haven’t ovulated but I had my period 2 weeks ago. The whole time after my miscarriage I was testing for ovulation and I didn’t ovulate. Then got my period. Its been nearly 2 weeks since my period finished and still no ovulation. Is this normal? Might make an appt with my...
Anyone sued their trust in the UK for pregnancy loss negligence and been successful as I know it’s extremely difficult to do so? On the 30th November 2024, the EPU confirmed I ‘lost’ my pregnancy, chemical pregnancy, due to my low HCG levels. No scans or other follow up appointments. It is on my files they diagnose...
Like I'm really struggling to hold it together, I've already brokedown in front of my baby, and I feel terrible for doing so. Having the energy to act normal with him and the day is delaying my recovery a bit, I feel. Patience is much lower. I love my boy to bits, and he has been sweet and loving one min but next ex...
I’m so worried about having a missed miscarriage, I went for an early scan around 5 weeks 6 days / 6 weeks and everything was there apart from heart beat, since then (I’m now 6 weeks 3 days) I’ve continued to have symptoms of extreme tiredness and food aversions so that reassured me but I’ve since found out that you...
Is the bleeding / cramps the final stage of miscarriage or is there still things happening? I've had a negative test yesterday, they did say to do that again in two weeks..
I was 5 days late but have started bleeding today. The period cramps are the worst I have ever had, almost like contraction pains. Could it be an early miscarriage?
I had an 8 week scan today (second pregnancy after a successful one) and it showed that the baby measured 5 weeks despite having a yolk sac which develops at 7 weeks. The doctor said it’s a struggling pregnancy and the baby isn’t growing, heartbeat was weak too. I’ll have another scan next week and I’ll probably be ...
I’m 4w5d pregnant and I’ve had Hypothyroidism since forever but now that I got pregnant my TSH is 3.3 when it was just 0.7 before I got pregnant. I’m waiting for a call back from the fertility clinic to adjust my dose. I’ve had 4 miscarriages and 1 live birth so I’m quite worried about it. I did have a very little p...
Mine is 71. No idea if that's normal or if I should expect it to be lower by now? No one has seen me at all. The blood test was at my request!
Hello girls I done a hcg blood test at 4 weeks 3 days was late 3 days for my periods and it came back as 910 Is that good so scared after 2 miscarriage
I’ve heard the first 3 months after a miscarriage, you are more likely to conceive a viable pregnancy. Has this been true for any of you?