We had an ectopic Oct ‘23 and I had my left tube removed. Then we had a miscarriage last July, and were extremely grateful to get pregnant immediately after without another period in between (hospital said this is fine, they only ask to wait until you’ve had a cycle to make dating easier). I’m now 30 weeks ☺️ I tracked my ovulation with tests x
We fell pregnant with twins 2nd cycle after our miscarriage
@Jen exactly the same here, no period in between and ovulated about 3 weeks after. Miscarried on 18th Oct and found out I was pregnant 21st November so now 16 weeks along x
D&C for a mmc in April (would've been 12w) and later found out it was a PMP. Hit negative on hcg in June and was pregnant 4 weeks later for my 'final' urine sample to be cleared to ttc again.
@Jen this gives me hope 🤞🏻 nothing can replace them but I’d still love the small age gap💕