Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Showers.
My baby girl Roë turned 1 a few weeks ago .
25 weeks & 5 days pregnant! 🥳 Only 14 more to go! 🙈 I can’t wait to see this beautiful smile in person 🥰✨😍
Options: 1️⃣ A soft, baby-themed party (e.g., Twinkle Twinkle, Teddy Bears, or a nature theme like Jungle) 2️⃣ A more playful, boyish/cartoon theme (e.g., Spider-Man, Toy Story, or another fun character theme) Since my LO doesn’t watch TV yet and isn’t attached to any characters, I’d love to hear your ideas! If y...
9lbs 15oz, 21in 🤩
My baby turns 2 in the morning! 😢 😊 ❤️
Sorry not baby related, Ive recently started wedding planing. We have decided we don’t wanna get married at the registrar office but struggling to find anyway nice on a budget. We also come from fussy eater family’s so looking for somewhere we can have an outside caterer and somewhere with a good bar as my partner r...
Guess how many trips I made around the sun?!? Don't worry it's for fun I'm not going to be offended!
Well we officially know that baby is gonna be a little boy. I’m happy because baby is healthy and that’s what my son has been asking for but also disappointed because I was really hoping for a little girl since this is my second and last baby and I’ve always wanted a little girl but it looks like I’m never gonna get...
Got the news today that my baby girl is growth restricted so I have to induce next Thursday 😭 these March babies really want to come early huh
Hey MOMS! I’d LOVE to know how YOU’RE planning to celebrate your little one’s FIRST birthday! Are you going all out with a BIG party, or keeping it INTIMATE with a smaller celebration? What’s the THEME for your party or celebration, if you have one? What FUN activities or traditions are you excited to include—pho...
A day late but omg I can’t believe my sweet Amelia Jane is 2 months old!! Let’s see those babies!
Does anyone have a recipe for a 1st birthday cake please? 🎂
Only 1 more month till he is one, anyone else thinking where has the time gone
I feel kinda down, and limited since I can’t do much due to breastfeeding and taking care of a 6 month old with my husband. Anyone relate? I feel that I should be so happy but feeling the birthday blues
Waters broke at 4am and our first baby was born at 4.30pm yesterday 🥰 37+6, before my maternity leave had started 😅 WE LOVE HER. Wishing everyone the best for the rest of their pregnancies!
Baby was born today! I was 4.5 cm at my appointment yesterday, got a membrane sweep and started having contractions the next morning. Went to the hospital once contractions got 5ish minutes apart, dilated to a 7 and he was born 6 hours later 🎉🎉🎉
Well our little chunky girl is here, arriving yesterday on her due date by C-section. Growth scans were completely accurate and she weighed 9lb 9oz! 🤍🤍
Anyone else’s 5 month old obsessed with Ms. Rachel??? It’s the only thing that’ll calm my baby down!
My baby boy was born June 6. When is your June baby’s special day?