Same. I wanted a girl so bad but I now have another boy on the way. My son wanted a brother so… it’s great for him and husband but… a little lonely too thinking about all the female mom/daughter connection moments I’ll miss.
@Samantha see thats my whole thing. Like my husband and son are both so happy about another boy and they both already have an amazing relationship and do everything together. My son wants to be just like his dad. But I’ll never have that mother/daughter relationship that I’ve always dreamed about. Like it’s not that I’m not happy, I am because I know they will both grow to be amazing men but I wanted a little girl so bad and to be able to dress her in all the cute girl clothes or do the mommy daughter days where we go get our nails and stuff done but I’ll never be able to do that now and that’s what I’m sad about.
@Megan I feel your pain. I have no answers. I feel a heavy sadness of loss too. All I hope is that the kids we do have give nothing but love and beauty to the world. 🥲
I’m sorry you didn’t get the gender you wanted! But imagine years from now you’ll have two wonderful grown up sons that will be there to protect you and take care of you. You’ll be so proud of them!