Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Names.
My last name is Truskowski - still getting used to it since I just got married, Thinking of some baby girl names: Tori Truskowski Or do we go with Victoria?
A like long A rhymes with hey, neigh, bay, say Shorter A not like at but like air, bear, chair
Since my husband and I meet we always said we wanted our babies nick name to be AJ and now we are having such a hard time finding A names for First name and J names for middle names specially since it needs to be easy to say in Spanish and English, please help me out with ideas!!
So I’m having issues choosing a last name for my baby. I don’t want to give her mine because I’m not related to the family whose name I’ve inherited and have never met them. However her dad is a piece of crap and I don’t want her to have his either. Should I give her my biological family’s last name despite me not h...
Are they too different stylistically? Or are they ok together? Albert Carter or Carter Albert. We're not too fussed which way round they go.
Hello all, i’m due in less than 8 weeks and have no name ideas. i have an Otis already so something to match. please help me with your Boy and Girl suggestions. im happy for unusual or vintage etc all sorts
I had my beautiful little girl a few days ago but my husband and I are really struggling to pick a name. There is one name that is floating around that my husband is dead set on but I am not 100% sure. I like it but I can't commit (I am terrible with big decisions haha) The name is Meadow, and I think it's really p...
Me and my boyfriend came up with 2 boys name. Which one you guys like?
Hi, we're expecting our second to arrive very soon and we still don't have a name 😳. Out eldest is called Thea and we fell in love with that name but don't get the same feeling for any names so far for number 2 😞 I was wondering if any one knew of any girl names that go with Thea, I have literally searched every…
So with my son once we picked it I never had any doubts. But with her we picked her name months ago. We use her name whenever we are talking about the baby and all of a sudden I just don’t feel like it’s the right name. My husband still loves the name but I just don’t feel confident anymore. But I also don’t have an...
Which do you like best?
Me and my boyfriend have been together for 5yrs and due our first baby in the summer.. not engaged/married I want a double barrel surname , mine and his, he wants his.. What do the majority do? Is it common to have double?
Our girls have 2 middle names. We're having another girl. Her name will be Lauren Danielle but we're stuck on the second name. Vote McKenna or Raelyn
We cant decide if we want to go big or go home with another long middle (3-4 syllables) or short and sweet. Give your best for both! Please no Rose, Grace, May, Louise or Marie
Please 🤞🏼🙏🏻
If u choose a very unusual first name would u balance it with a more "normal" middle even if the middle u really loved was a little on the unusual side too?
We haven’t found out the gender of our baby and have names picked out for each. Our first born is a boy. We gave him our Dad’s names as his middle names. If we have another boy, we have decided to use two Grandad’s names. The problem kind of lays with the girl names. We would give them our Mother’s names. Howev...
What are some pretty girls names that begin with a hard C..? Like Carlotta .. I love the nickname Cali so something where that could be adopted would be good .. thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Ok so my mom whom was my best friend passed away 6 years ago . Of course I love and honor her but my family thinks I should name my baby girl after her but me and my partner already have a name for the baby. Her middle name is his mom and my moms middle name combined yvieanne. But my family is so opinionated abo...
Hey does anyone know any baby girl names that start with “Ak” My daughters name is Akira and I want her possible sister to have a matching ak at the beginning x