This is really nice to hear thank you! I can’t wait until the duration is shorter, it feels like he’s attached to the boob constantly 😂
I completely get that. But congratulations on getting to 4 weeks!
Absolutely normal, my little boy was exactly the same, I would sometimes get a little bit down thinking I couldn't get anything done around the house because the breastfeeding was so time consuming. Keep at it, sit back and enjoy the contact with your little one 🩵
Yep. My boy was attached to me for first 8 weeks I’d say 😅 honestly! Soon you’ll go through a stage there you’ll worry they are having feeds which are too short! Honestly it’s never ending worry 🙈 We’re now 20 months in and he still likes a longer feed before bed but long now is an about 15-20 mins! Xx
Completely normal at this point latching for that long will be signal in your body about his supply needs believe me it does get easier but for the first two months, latching, latching, latching will see positive impacts for your supply. I’m currently 11 months in and the longest mind breastfeed for maybe 15 minutes if she’s really tired .