We had a bout of sicky spells and the advice we’ve been given is keep them upright for 20’mins after feeding and we haven’t had a sick spout since 🤞🏼
To add mine is also 2 weeks (and 1 day!)
Our little one (2 weeks 3 days) is the same. She’s also been throwing up and wanting more. So we’ve slowed down her feeds. Whenever she stops swallowing we stop and burp her, otherwise it’s normally about every 10-20ml we stop and burp her. Seems to work. It also gives her time to process what she’s already had so that she knows she’s full, we’ve found she’s ended up having less milk because she’s not wanting any more where she’s full. Before, when we didn’t stop, she’d guzzle the whole bottle then puke
My 5 week old is suffering with colic & trapped wind we think. You can tell from the scrunched up legs, he appears in pain and strains a lot after feeds, appears relieved when he does eventually pass wind/burp/poop. We’ve been giving him dentinox & it seems to help a bit. We also feed him in an up right position and keep him upright for a while after feeds to help him keep it down and not throw up immediately. We give him a mid feed break & change his nappy at that point & massage his tummy. Frequent burping during feeds too xx
i also have a two week old and i found burping after each ounce helps a lot to stop her being sick, annoying of course but it’s stopped her from throwing up every bottle. also laying her on my chest and rubbing her back brings up a lot more burps that just sitting her on my shoulder or on my lap. i hope it gets better!