Bump feeling bruised

Anyone else feel like the top of their bump is bruised…
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I had that a few days ago and then it's settled back down again x

Yes! Tender to touch on the top left, I think it’s as he’s moving his legs up and starting to put pressure on that part of my belly? It comes and goes for me x

Thank you guys, hopefully it will ease xx

It burns all the time like I’ve done a huge ab workout … without the abs 🥲

Me too!! It feels like my ribs almost but then the skin feels bruised it’s weird! I’ve had it for about 4 weeks daily now just accepting its there to stay 🤣🤣🤣

how far along are you? i find it feels bruised because of the stretching, i’ve started using a support belt and it feels sooo much better

I have a similar pain that comes and goes and seems to be positional, worse when I'm sitting up and better lying back or on my side. Mentioned it to the midwife and she suggested it might be the lower part of my sternum digging in, as the bone moves to make space for the baby and can cause some tenderness there.

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