Runny dirty nappy

Baby girl is having dirty nappy once in 2-3 days and its explosion (poonami!) but seems very runny to me. Yellow/mustardy col but worried about the consistency. Formula fed!
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My baby is also the same, dirty nappy once every two to three days however is combi-fed. I bought this up to the hv and the doctors and they said it is normal, however I still do worry.

Do you use Kendamill by any chance?

@Maryam yes, the organic one actually. Why?

I’ve been using Kendall with my little one, and he had very bad constipation and poos every few days compared to before he pooed basically everyday. And im thinking your littlest ones poo might be like that because Kendall’s recently changed their formula and a lot of mums have said similar things about their babies x

I’m BF and our baby girl’s nappies changed when we hit 6 week mark - from having little small poos we get a poonami everyday or every other day. I read online that it’s common around 6 weeks for their digestive system to develop further and the frequency of their output to change.

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