My baby is 19 weeks and has 1 bottle of formula a day, the rest BF. He usually poops every 4-5 days, the longest he's gone is 8! Saw the GP and they said it's pretty normal to go up to a week but they gave us some laxative sachets in case we get worried, so now if we go past day 5 we start putting a bit in the bottle to get things moving. If your girl is uncomfortable and it goes over the week mark I'd take her just to make sure, but generally this can happen so it's not a huge concern!
@Alyson thank you so so much for this, we’re exactly the same, one bottle but all BF. Will book appointment for tomorrow just in case for sachets xx
I don’t have an answer for you. But could you tell me how you make your baby’s bottle? My baby is wanting more in the bottle than I can produce. He wasn’t a fan of straight formula a few months ago.