Teething or milk allergy

Desperately needing some advise. I took my daughter to the doctors beginning of feb because she had really lose poos and conjunctivitis, they did a poo sample which came back normal. It then stopped and settled down for a week or two and started up again 2 days ago so I took her back to the doctors and she’s been referred to a paediatric dietitian and to stop all dairy for 4 weeks. However she’s absolutely fine in herself no sickness, no rash, no fever so I’m not convinced it’s a milk/dairy allergy, I’m thinking it’s more related to her teething. I’m gonna phone the doctors tomorrow and explain all this.
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Teething wouldn’t cause loose poos for that long, especially on and off and CMPA doesn’t necessary gives rashes or make babies sick and definitely not fever. Does your baby have any of the other symptoms? Diarrhoea, blood in stool, mucus…

Nope no other symptoms at all

If it’s not effecting her then I wouldn’t worry. Mine gets the shits every so often and tbh so do I. Sometimes your tummy just doesn’t agree with something one day and it does the next

Great, doesn’t seem like CMPA either. Maybe something that is just hard for her to digest?

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