The angel bath seat does a seated one so was going to use that soon for my girl as she’s started doing the same xx
My daughter got too big for her baby bath I got her the angel care bath seat I wasn’t sure she’d be okay sitting up but she loves it x
Same happening with us right now. Exploring other safe seats.
Started using it at 5 and a half months
Thank you everyone x
We do this too @Adelle our little one loves this!
Ours does the exact same he plonks his feet down on the bath and pushes his hips up til he’s coming off 😂 I also just now do the bath a little shallower and support him with my hands to lay on back or he quite likes to wallow around on his tum.
Flip this seat upside down and have him sit in the deeper end of it, that’s what we did with our first when she started sitting. Then once we were confident enough with her sitting we got rid of the bath seat and got a non slip mat x
I think we just laid in the water in the bottom of the bath when it got to that point. On a towel to stop him slipping
My boy is currently kinda doing the same probably will end up just laying him in the water and when he can sit up get like a seated bath seat x