@Mekia he seems to just not like water at all we’ve tried bubbles. No bubbles. Toys we have a basket ball thing and others. Tried bribing him with all his favorites. Still nothing
How often do you do baths?
My daughter went through this around 1 1/2. It took a week but we worked through it with her. We don’t call it the bath anymore it’s the pool! Lol. Have you tried a shower ? That way he can control how much he gets wet or not ? Use a favorite toy of his to play with ? Or barely put water in the bottom of the tub. Then slowly add more as you go throughout the next few baths. Dont run the water while they are in there. It can trigger some fear in rising water and may make him feel like he is in a life and death situation
Does he like the pool?
If you wanted to pm me I can tell you some other things that we did to help her
@Annalyn yikes that’s a tough one. Maybe try putting less water just enough to be able to wash him up
Both my boys went through this stage, both multiple different times!! Try creative and fun bathtub games, like washable paint (bc painting the tub is fun 😂) and colored bath fizzies to change the water color. Dinosaur bath bombs with the little toy in the middle were a big hit, and of course bubble baths. At one point, we just let my younger watch a couple min of TV while we quickly bathed him (not ideal, still takes two adults unless you have a tripod for your phone, but preferable to the trauma of bathing an unwilling toddler). I also limited baths to just 2-3 times a week, and basically “spot cleaned” them if their hands or whatever body part was particularly dirty beyond that. I think the name of the game here is just distracting them, then a few baths later they realize it really isn’t that bad, and they’ll be a calm bather again. It will get better, I promise!
We’ve also done “washing pumpkins”, aka it was just around Halloween and we had a couple pumpkins for my toddler to scrub, which gave him a sense of purpose and kept him surprisingly well entertained.
Mine doesn't like to get in the shower so i tell him "lets wash your hands" and from there we do feet and everything elss lol he scrubs himself and all is fine as long as non water touches his face
My son loves bathes we do use bubble bath occasionally but he loves bath bombs that change the waters colors . If he really doesn’t like baths tho maybe try a shower 🤷♀️ my son prefers bath time to play but he does well in the shower since we have a movable shower head
Omg, this is my daughter 100% I tried everything. Even my daughter's pediatrician was like "sounds like you tried everything 😬" we tried bath paint, toys, bubblee, bath bomb, shower, baths with baby, music, tablet from a far, less water. My poor girl hates the sound of running water from the shower head & from the tub facet. Hates seeing towels or being in the tumb. My baby sleep talks and she says "no bath no more bath" 🥺💔 best of luck to you 💕
Do you put any bath toys and bubbles ? Make it look fun Or maybe try a shower instead