I had the WORST pupps rash post delivery. It was all around my midsection little fluid filled blisters like you describe. So itchy. I had it a little on my legs & arms too I drank Dandelion root tea 3-4x a day to flush my system (I did research on Reddit and that seemed like the only solution more than one person mentioned) I was diligent about the tea and it went away in about 3 days. I’m not sure if that’s coincidence but if it ever came back that’s where I’d start
This is the tea - purchased on Amazon: Traditional Medicinals Organic Dandelion Leaf & Root Herbal Tea
Omg thank you so much this is the worst!!! @Marilyn
i just want to start off by i am so sorry you going through this. i can’t honestly say the rash is the worse part i swear the flare ups, the itching, the stupid ass looks from your partner like yes i know i look like a methhead but it itch, HORRIFICALLY. it start on my stomach on my stretch marks then it spread like a rumor in middle school. try every remedy suggested but don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t work, it’s going to go away no matter how much you scratch. Me personally i’ll scratch and deal with the burning sensation afterwards, but nah fr get ointment ASAP i went to urgent care and got seen expeditiously cuz once it flare up ooooo it feels like you gon scratch til you see bone. im sorry for making this so long but that rash really took a toll on me, it felt like i couldn’t take care of my baby all because of a rash, it’s overwhelming and frustrating but give yourself some grace
Yess I had got a rash soon after delivery was red itchy bumps started on my hands then went all over my body. I hear it can be a few things and just goes away on its own. I’m almost 6 weeks pp and still there but deff went down a lot. Such a painful itch it’s terrible