@Gianna hey! She’s 7 months but only the last couple of weeks has started getting teeth actually come through. Thankyou for your tips☺️ I give her bonjela and teething toys and when she’s really struggling I give her calpol
@Chloe my son is 6 m and 2w he FINALLY had his bottom 2 come through! It’s honestly so stressfull he actually bit me yesterday 😅
@Gianna yeah exactly the same ones for my girl! Makes your nipples so sore doesn’t it!😂im actually scared when feeding her today just incase she bites down
@Chloe that’s why sometimes I pump n give a bottle just to give myself a break
It only took one bite and me saying ouch for mine to stop, they got scared and I felt bad for yelling ouch but they never done it again so.. idk if it's a coincidence or what, haha.
Keep an eye on your latch. If they’re latched correctly they shouldn’t be able to bite your nipple. I used to use teething granules or anbesol before a feed
With my first (breastfed for 16 months) I would push my boob into her face covering her nose so she would unlatch with every time she would bite and she eventually learnt that she doesn’t get boob is she bites
@Jackyn I was literally just about to say this is what I was advised too. You don't even have to stop feeding for long after but definitely stop every time and they'll soon learn.
BF first for 2.5 years and she probably only bit me a handful of times. I just took the boob away each time and said no. She learnt very quickly 👍🏻
My son started teething at like 3-4 months and is 2 years old now, I’ve only ever been bit like a grand total of maybe 4 times Anytime I got bit I’d have him delatch and we switch sides for emphasis that the bitten boob HURTS and it’s outta commission for a few minutes
My pediatrician said if you place enough of your breast near their mouth they won’t bite. I have larger breast so I just did like the sandwich hold so he had more in his mouth
They eventually stop, but I just used my finger to remove him and said a sharp "no" and put him down when it was bad!
I said no, delatched baby and put him down for a couple minutes when he bit. Both my babies got teeth early. My current 10 month old has 8. Neither bit too many times. The other thing is sometimes they start biting when they are done. So if you stop when they stop actively drinking, it can help.
Like others have said, unlatch and say no. Stop the feed for a minute if the biting keeps happening. My baby would do little nibbles when he wasn't actually hungry so keeping a teether or something else he could bite on helped prevent any bad bites.
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My daughter freaked when I reacted loudly to her biting me. She only did it a couple times after that and hasn’t since (18m still breastfeeding)
Hey! How old is baby? When my son first started teething at 3 months an he was doing this my nipples hurt soooo bad so we did what the pediatrician said to do which was Tylenol we mostly did it at night but some days were rough so we did it in afternoon tried to stretch without it long as possible. So you could try that. Or if baby is old enough try some Ora gel and some teething toys and use silverettes to keep ur nipples from cracking