My baby is 9 weeks old and on average does 6 minute feeds, maybe get 1 or 2 feeds a day that are about 15 minutes but that’s usually around bedtime x
Oh mine is a long and slow feeder so hoping she grows out of it! Sometimes feeds can be an hour altogether!! My flow and supply is fine (as is when I pump) so it’s just baby that isn’t quite efficient yet 😩😩 she’s 8 weeks so fingers crossed it turns around soon
We go between 5-15min on average. Now and then he will be on for 20-30 min out of comfort
Same! On average 6-11min,more for comfort but it's never been more than 15min ever.
@Alexandra my baby is 10 weeks and nurses for 30/40 mins sometimes you’re not alone!
@Alexandra wow, that is a lot. How often do you feed though? Does your girlie feed less often then?
@Alexandra mine too! I’m lucky if it’s ever less than an hour! She’s 9 weeks and I was always told feed will get shorter between 15-30 minutes but it never has.
@Alexandra I’m the same
OP - not at all! She feeds VERY frequently. Is totally draining so hoping for a turnaround soon
@Sultana ugh yes! Constantly told it’s ‘normal’ and will get better .. but when?!
@Sarah so draining isn’t it?
@Danielle same here. My 6 week old feeds every 2/3 hours and can last for an hour a time, usually 30 mins.
LO normally nurses anywhere between 20 and 45 mins. We're doing bottle top ups after too, plus LO has had reflux so need to hold them upright post feed. So in total it is at least an hour!
My baby is 10 weeks old and it’s never more than 20minutes! Never has been, really. As of about 2 weeks ago, when she’s done drinking, she asks for her dum for comfort. Babies are so clever 🥰