A week x
They will text you with a date and time x
@Jo @Caitlin thankyou, is it a certain day they send out the dates? Or will it just be a random day a week before I’m scheduled do you know xx
With my first I was induced and it was just a random day, with my second I had an elective C-section she said they sort out dates on a Tuesday/Wednesday so I can't remember if that's the same for inductions too as mine was 2 years ago now xx
@Caitlin ah great okay Thankyou, I’ll wait and see if I’ve heard by the end of the week xx
I was notified a week before, by text. Initially I was going to be induced at 39 weeks, but changed my mind. I received the text at 38 weeks exactly. I was induced at 41 weeks in the end, and had that text at 40 weeks
From memory, they sort out the dates on a Thursday and text you on the Friday a week before x
You should find out a week before