As above warming the milk and persistence. My little one used to gag or just refuse and cry. But now she will take one
What did you when if she just refused and cried? Did you give up and breastfed? Or did you let her cry? I understand that I need persistence but I don’t know how to do:(
We stopped when she got upset and I breastfed. We tried to give her the bottle when she wasn’t starving but hungry. Would keep trying if she just spat it out or fussed but stopped when she started crying. She would only take the bottle from me originally but now will take it from my husband. We also tried starting with breastfeed then swapping to bottle quickly half way through
By any chance have you tried a different temperature, etc? My little boy won’t accept a bottle if it’s not the temperature that he likes - I have to make the bottle then put it in hot water to heat it up abit more, and that’s fixed it for us. Otherwise, could it be worth trying a different type of bottle? (You may have already done this) x