Sorry to jump on this with a slightly different question, but if I plan to bottle feed but want to harvest colostrum.. do I need to bring formula or would I just need to give the baby the colostrum x
@Mia personally I would bring both, you never know what could happen on the day, with my first I unexpectedly stayed in for a week, if you have to stay in you might not have enough defrosted etc x
@Mia depends on the hospital and your delivery/how long you and baby need to stay in. Usually if you plan to bottle feed you should bring formula as baby will need it if they are there for more than a couple of days. You could always send your partner out to get some once you’re there though! Also hospitals do tend to have formula in a few brands available but at our hospital (at least when I was working in neonatal in 2023, may have changed since) they have SMA, aptamil and cow & gate, so if you’re choosing a different brand bring it with you.
I got some syringes last week from my community midwife and a leaflet on how to hand express as using a pump the colostrum can get stuck in the tubes. It was recommended to do it with someone so I hand express and when something comes out, they use the syringe but was told not before 36 weeks as it can encourage labour
@Mia I would definitely bring formula, I plan on breast feeding but taking some formula just incase we don’t get on with it, make sure you label the colostrum and freeze it ready, have you got your kit from the midwife? I got some syringes etc at my 34 week appointment x
@Mia I’m in the same boat! Midwife said baby will only take colostrum really first couple of days, especially as I’m having a c section so they are less hungry because of more fluid in their lungs x
Manually, and starting 37 weeks x