Aww, that’s so special!! I’ve heard that milk supply can drop around this time, and pumping .5-2oz per session is really common & good. The 8-10oz indicates an over supply (I’m also in that boat!). Do you work with a lactation consultant? Could be a good time to set up an appt in anticipation of the next growth spurt. Other ways to support milk supply is through nutrition- adequate protein, fiber/carbs, & fat intake; hydration, sleep, etc. I make oatmeal with yogurt & ground flaxseed a few times a week and top with berries, eat cottage cheese pancakes, or an egg breakfast. Keep up the great work!
It's mostly supply and demand. Power pumping or just making sure you pump every 3 hours religiously should give you an increase but by this time you have probably already regulated so it will probably take a while (like probably a month before you see a significant difference) and the increase will be slowly. Good luck! But seriously, any amount of breast milk is so helpful for babies so what you're producing now is giving him all that he needs 🙂
In my personal experience, I increased my milk production by consuming oats daily, it was something magical for me
Hot chocolate Hydration Oatmeal
I also recently started taking birth control but my OB said it wouldn’t affect my supply. Plus I have a cold so I’m thinking that might have been affecting it too
Congrats on latching!! 🎉🎉🎉