It is so hard, I felt like this first time round. This time I've made a few changes. I bought some decent breastpads and nice bf clothes. I have a milk catcher that goes in my bra so that anything it catches can go in a bottle for my partner. When baby was 9 weeks I spent the whole day in London with my 3 year old and left baby with daddy who used my expressed milk. With my first I didn't get a day away until at least 6 months.
It is hard. I’ve been breastfeeding non-stop for 7 years now and it does get annoying (I miss just chucking on clothes without thinking about easy access!). But honestly, breastfeeding isn’t the ‘be all end all’ of things, not everyone likes it, not everyone wants to do it and it’s ok to do what is right for you. Is there a bond - yeah - BUT I don’t think the bond with my kids would be any different if I had formula fed. You’re not an awful mother for wanting to stop, you’re human. Maybe have a look to see if there are any breastfeeding support groups near you, they can give you advice and support if you need it.
it's very consuming and there's nothing wrong with being fed up with it ❤️ I am breastfeeding and my baby is 5mo old, and have only been enjoying BF only since the baby was 3 months old or so lol. Around then the leaking stopped, I stopped feeling engorged, baby became more efficient so feeds are now shorter, my nipple pain went away, I used nipple shields before was able to drop those - now I feel like it's something that can usually calm the baby down quickly, and saves me worrying about bottles and things. Only wanted to say in case you don't like BF but want to continue anyway, in my experience it did get better later for me.
I chose not to breast feed and I remember feeling like there was so much "breast propaganda" out there! I have an AMAZING bond with my children.. the bond you have with them doesn't solely rely on breast feeding ❤️
It gets much easier as they get older… they feed more efficiently and quickly, so it doesn’t take up so long. You can end up with a bit of a routine rather than just feeding all the time - so then you can time your time away from them! Also boob size settles down (mine stopped leaking too) and clothes fit better…
You can pump and give Dad baby to offer a bottle?
You’re not an awful mother x I stopped BF at like 3 months because it was all just too much for me, and my LO is a ok x our babies need us to be happy to be happy too is what I kept reminding myself & as long as they are fed and happy and healthy that’s all that matters really :)