
Is it safe/useful to take an electrolyte supplement while breastfeeding?
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following as i’ve considered them as i’m severely dehydrated as confirmed by the gp

Have you tried coconut milk/water? It's a natural electrolyte. Though for short term use I've had the odd lucozade sport to quickly rehydrate

I put Maldon salt and potassium citrate in my water every day plus take magnesium capsules

I’ve ordered the Free Soul sachets I’ve seen people swear that electrolytes helped their supply so I’m willing to try anything! I’m due this weekend so will be starting from next week. Also made lactation cookie dough to be able to throw in the oven each morning and got a lactation hot chocolate drink as well 🤣 I’m so determined this time around

@Jmt lactation cocktail of coconut milk and cranberry juice really helped me keep up a supply during the summer heat wave last year

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