My 7 week old baby was 10lbs 14oz at her 6-8 week check and on 75th percentile since birth! Please do not worry, my midwife said it’s a sign that baby is growing really well and healthy and she was a big baby when she was born at 8lbs and 8oz! Xx
My baby was born 9lb 2oz at birth and when he was 2 days shy of being 4 weeks old he was 11lb and 2oz and he’s been drinking 5/6 oz from 3 weeks old
Yes mine was exactly the same! Feels like he's huge 🤣 xx
My little man is 8 weeks today and 13lb 3oz, he weighs as much as my daughter did at 5mo! 🙈 my partner and I are also both under 5ft 9” and not heavily built, so my little chunky boy is quite unusual! I love it though! 💙💙
Having a 16kg 13 month old on the 99.6th percentile, I feel you! I have some serious muscles now 🤣 she was 9lbs 8oz at 37 weeks when she was born
I feel you, my little boy was 8lb 9ozs when born, my midwife came and did the 6 week discharge appointment last week (he was 5 weeks and 2 days old) and he's now 12lb 6oz, super long and going into his 3-6 months clothes. He also feeds on me all day (EBF) but as long as they're happy and healthy, that's what matters! My first son wasn't this heavy until he was 5 months old, not 5 weeks 😂 I'm loving the chub 🩵
What percentile was he at birth, as long as it’s around the same (with some slight ups and downs) then there’s generally no concern. I’m currently opposite was round as my first son was big at 85%, now my 2nd daughter is 25% and still feels tiny in comparison. Was weighed at 4 weeks still smaller then my son was at his lowest weight 😅
My boy was 16lbs 2oz at his 6 weeks exactly check 😂 weighed 9lbs 13oz at birth and was born at 36 weeks! takes 6oz bottles and in size 6-9 month clothing. His dad is 6’7 though aha.
@Laura Not Always, mine was 73rd percentile at birth and is now 97th percentile. Health visitor says there’s no concerns as her height and weight is proportionate
@Trinity I wouldn’t have liked to imagine 40 weeks!! Well done you! I was 41weeks and he was 9lbs11oz!
@Laura oh bless! It’s so insane how different it can be!! He was 9lbs11oz at birth, im not sure what the percentile was at the time but he’s been a reasonably big boy since birth as he’s long too!
@Chloe that’s exactly how I feel🥹 he’s a cutie!!
@Shannon you must have the muscles of a bodybuilder!! Defo going to be tall like his daddy then! 🤣
My girl was born big, and stayed big. She is now 2 years 1 month, and is already 3’1”, and 37.5 pounds. She is in the 100th percentile (off the growth charts completely), and they’re predicting she’ll be over 6ft!! There’s just more to love. And those big babies, they’re great sleepers ;)
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My son was 10lb 10oz at birth which is 99th percentile. He’s now 9 weeks, was 12lbs 10oz at 8 weeks and is also in 3-6 months clothes (filling them) and in size 3 nappies. I imagine he would be even bigger now but he lost 10% of his weight after birth so wasn’t back to birth weight until about 3 weeks old x
Yessss! My first son was always in the 15-25 percentile. My second son was born at 39 weeks at 8lbs 11oz. He is now 6mos, 21lbs and in 12mos. Clothing. I’m not used to a chunker but I love it!! 🥰
know that feeling, my son was 9lb 6.5oz and was straight in up to 1 month clothing 😂 he's nearly 15months and is in 18-24 xx
My girl was 97 percentile but now she’s finally balanced out at two years! Some grow really fast at the start then others catch up later on when they’re slowing down!
I feel this. Whilst my little girl isn’t exactly as big as your baby, she weighed 13lb 1oz at 7 weeks despite only being 7lb 9oz at birth. Shes also very long - 60cms at 7 weeks. Size three nappies here also but unsure of how much she drinks as she’s EBF.