What do you temp with? You’re getting a variation in your temperature. But also, that still looks like you didn’t ovulate.
@Jenny I use my Apple Watch, so I know it’s prob not super accurate. I also sleep with a fan blowing on me. I’m just so frustrated with never knowing. I had all the ovulation symptoms and cramps etc.
You might benefit from using a different temp method for a while to compare. Is this normally what your cycle looks like or do you usually have a consistently elevated temp that confirms ovulation?
@Jenny honestly this is only the second time the app confirmed ovulation. My temps are usually whack like this all cycle, I will try to order a different thermometer, my only problem is I forget to take it before I get up which is why I been using my watch. I’m just going to wait for my period and try again.
I used temp drop… it’s pricey but it’s wearable and records throughout the night and averages your low temp. It is amazing! You don’t have to worry about temping at the same time. Highly recommend!
@Jenny I will def check this out thank you!!
What app you guys are using to track your period
@Mrs Afolabi I use “period tracker” app and “natural cycles”
This looks to me like you didn’t ovulate. Your temp should stay elevated after ovulation (though without seeing the earlier part of the month it’s a little hard to tell).