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So if u keep BD after u ovulation can u still get pregnant or no ??
I’m 11 months PP and only had one period (end of Jan). No idea when I ovulated but I got fertile discharge later than I would have usually expected it so wondering if I ovulated later as my cycle is still resetting. Am I wishful thinking or is there a shadow of a line here? More pics in comments.
These are my ovulation tests. They have now gone down and today's latest one was 0.22 does this mean I have ovulated now and we can stop having sex Thanks
I’ve never done an ovulation test before. Yesterday I thought to myself, I’m sure I’m ovulating… so I got a test and sure enough! 😅 Just to double check as it is my first time doing an ovulation test, it is positive, right? It’s a Tesco ovulation test. I’m not necessarily consciously trying to get pregnant, but…
Has anyone been prescribed this to help get pregnant? We have been trying for almost 3 years, 4 miscarriages, had every test under the sun… and now I’m booked to see private gynaecologist again and I want to ask to try clomid… is this even possible to just ask for it? My cycle is irregular and I find it so hard to...
Mine is currently saying 2-3 my period app is saying I am 5 weeks
Been testing ovulation to see if I’m getting a pattern back, I’m 8 month PP and no period yet, done a ovulation test yesterday afternoon it was negative, looked same as it has everyday for past 6 weeks so I was like okay, it’s been about two months since I let my husband near me fuck it I’ll give in, tonight I had c...
Can you see it my predicted ovulation was 25th feb period due in 3 days
I do know I ovulated Feb 22-23 maybe 24. I got the huge temp dip then It’s been higher. Tested negative. 2 days late ( although I am irregular) I’m just so confused. Usually my temps don’t do this. I been using this app for over a year now. I must add my normal temp has never dropped that low before. Ovulation tes...
Hey, I've waited over 2 years to ovulate and for the first time (along with some other symptoms) I received a dark line on an ovulation test this morning. However, I've popped the result onto the PreMom app and it says this is 'low' at 0.8. Would you consider this a peak or is the app correct? Any help would be fab,...
So I’m 17m pp and my period still hasn’t come back due to breastfeeding. My husband and I don’t use protection.. I test every week or every other week… is that silly/overly cautious? Sometimes I feel like it’s crazy but then at the same time I have no idea
So the top it’s from yesterday and the bottom from today does it mean I already ovulated or I’m ovulating today and both my apps say I’m ovulating today
I had unprotected sex the day before I was due on my period and now I’m 5 days late. What are the chances I ovulated right before my period was due? My cycles are usually regular but I had a baby 9 months ago. I swear I ovulated 2 weeks ago though as I had all the symptoms of ovulation!! (That was the only one time ...
5 days late! Definitely ovulated late last month. Took this test yesterday afternoon and didn’t see anything straight away till I checked today as I forgot to chuck the test out and there’s the faintest of line there. What do yous think. I’ve also put a pic of the test edited in the comments
I had my son 12/12/23, has anyone else been experiencing pain with ovulation? It’s almost debilitating some months. Just curious if anyone else is experiencing it too.
So we have sex today 2 days after ovulation and I am 10 months pp with a C section so yes if it happens it happens 🤷🏻♀️ but it was good 😅
Hey mamas so I just took in ovulation test and they both came bk really dark as soon I put them in the urine am I ovulating today or tomorrow I will be putting the vid on the comments
I only started testing on day 12 so I'm thinking I might have missed it. But curious to know when other people tend to ovulate?