Congratulations🤗🫶 I know you mentioned having low ferritin levels only recently, do you mind sharing if you got the infusion and/or you bled a lot in labour? How are you feeling if there was a lot of blood loss and you didn’t get the levels up before she was born?
Congratulations she's too cute 🥰😍
Congratulations she’s beautiful! 38 + 5 today and so jealous😅🥰
Congratulations xxx
So cute
@Jessica hey! Yeah so I never heard back from anyone in time and my midwife thought that they wouldn’t catch it in time anyway. So I only had iron tabs. I had a normal amount of blood loss and they were not concerned because my HB levels were good. So all in all there was nothing to worry about xxx
This is so weird. My baby was also born at 38+5 on March 9th ... a year ago! He's 1 today. Congratulations xx
Congratulations 🎊
Congratulations!! What a beauty she is, hope you’re enjoying all the snuggles!❤️