
Hey I know being a single mum is hard. It’s always just been me and my son. He’s dad left whilst I was still pregnant. It’s my son birthday tomorrow and I’m currently decorating for it and it’s a terrible feeling. I just wanna sit and cry and not even because he’s getting older more because I’m getting ready for his 1st birthday alone. Please tell me birthdays get better. I hate this
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Bless you. Sending a massive hug and strength. My daughter is 4 and I’m only a couple of months into lone parenting. I have no idea how her next birthday will feel but you will I am sure make it special for your son and he will have a great time. Don’t worry too much and focus on the people who will be there, they are the most important. X

Awww It won’t always be like this Keep pushing through and find joy in the special moments with him One day when you’re healed (look into talking therapies etc) you’ll meet someone else and move on until then keep being the best mum you can be The bond you’re forming with him will be unbreakable. DM anytime x

hello love. It must be so heavy to have to go through this. But i promise birthdays and the days do get better. The feelings come and go so please be gentle with yourself and let yourself feel it all until it subsides, eventually. You’re so amazing and you’re doing well for you kiddo, creating beautiful memories. I was in the same position last year but i realised it’s such blessing just me and my kid celebrating. You’re doing an incredible job sweetie. Sending love 🩷🩷

@Llinos thank you ☺️ it’s hard but you will be fine too don’t worry x

@Dee thank you 🙏

@Eliana thank you sounds like your doing an amazing job x

As time goes by you're not going to feel like this. I promise you, all your baby knows and feels is the love they're receiving and how much fun they're having. We're in the same boat and can reassure you, you got this. Focus on creating memories with your little one. Forget who isn't there.

@Amanda thank you as you know it’s just extra hard sometimes x

This makes me want to cry reading this too, bless you you're doing an amazing job and your baby is lucky to have a mama like you❤️❤️❤️

Tearing up because this will be me too in 6 months time, I know how you feel as I also got left when I was pregnant and have been dealing with all sorts of horribleness from his dad and his new gf it's all just too much sometimes 😢here if you want to talk xxx

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