Anyone else march baby turned into a February one

My son was born feb 26 i was due march 10th but got induced early so happy though I love him 🥰
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I was due 8th March, baby girl decided to enter the world 25th Feb 😊😊 whilst we weren't quite ready for her arrival I can't imagine having to wait at least another week to meet her now that she's here!

Mine! I was due March 5 and she came Feb 13!

Due March 13th got induced February 13th she was delivered February 15th 🥰🥰🩷

I was due March 1st, but had him February 16th!

Due March 1st, born 2/26 at 2:26am!

i was due march 24, my water broke 2/21 and i had her 2/22 at 2:22pm 💖

@Diana twins mine was the 26 at 4:09am

I’m due March 10th and he’s still in there 🤦🏽‍♀️ Weighing in at 9lbs 4oz already. I’m so ready to have him but we have no movement as of yet!

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