well he’s definitely still watching porn.
but if he was serious i would think you should quit drinking if that means he will stop. you both have something no about each other that you don’t like and relationships take compromise. but seems like hes just being manipulated and men dont just stop watching porn
Someone told me that all men watch porn but idk lol
A person is not going to change unless they want to. You can fight all you want and it might not get anywhere. A thing I heard that’s really stuck with me and has worked for me and for some other people is you need to work on yourself and you make a change in your life without expecting the other person to change at all. Usually them seeing your change will make them want to better themselves as well. But remember to do it because you want to be better and have a better life don’t have the mentality of well I’m putting in the work to change so he should too or there will just be more fights. It’s definitely very hard to do! But could be worth it 🫶
Thank you for all your insights. I feel even after 5 years of knowing one another I should have known him better. @Alicia I love that advice and will apply it to my life. @Summer wishful thinking right? I know deep down he’s still watching porn. It just sucks. Because I want to be his everything but apparently can’t.
So the context (I forgot because I’m mad) During my PPD I drinked. I got crazy one night. Where I was just sad and overwhelmed plus over protective of our new kid. After that my boyfriend doesn’t want me to drink. He is away 315 average away from home. So I am to sole provider for our kid. He told me to stop drinking and I told him to stop watching porn (to me that’s cheating) he half ass said okay. What should I do? I told him that drinking a glass o wine isn’t a big deal to me. But the porn