Personally this is what I would do.. Lay on your side after driving a cold drink and see if baby moves.. then call them for advice regardless only because you have not had movements all day and explain what's been going on, I wouldn't wait until tomorrow 🥰
@Dominika I’m not to sure they just said coz my placenta is on the front but still shouldn’t stop me from feeling movement
He also had growth scan last week he been Measuring small
I'm 32 weeks almost 33 with an anterior placenta. When I'm up and about I rarely feel mine kick, I do feel him the odd time though. A whole week doesn't sound right though, I'd be concerned too if that was me. Try drinking an ice cold drink, or carbonated and sit down or lay on your left side and see if they move. Some other things I do to try and stimulate some movement is run the belly with a tiny bit of pressure for about 10 mins, it takes him some time but he eventually moves. I actually find scratching my belly works better than rubbing. I'll eat or drink something sugary and he tends to get quite active after that as well. Alternate laying on your left and right side. Also, it could be your babies position along with your placenta position. I feel my boy more when he's transverse, when he's head down I do struggle to feel him more. Does yours get hiccups a lot? Mine tends to get them at least once a day and that's usually a good indicator of where he is.
But overall, I would keep going in! The regret comes when you don't listen to your intuition and then things don't get caught when they should. Definitely go in if ever concerned.
I’d just call them and listen to your gut for sure. Have they checked what causes the reduced movement?