The pattern is your own pattern, so maybe that's hers? For me, I have one day of massive movements followed by 2 much quieter days. When I told my midwife, she said that is my pattern. Doesn't stop me worrying though! X
Might sound counterintuitive but lack of pattern can be a pattern in itself. If you think about it, you'll have busy days and lazy days as well, depending on how you feel, what you ate etc. The baby is no different. Remember that baby doesn't have the same circadian rhythm as we do so a lot of their activity will depend on your activity, stress levels etc. It's more about knowing what the range of "normal" is for your baby rather than a specific rigid pattern xx
Hi, I have the same issue as you. I just call up triage anytime I get worried or want some extra reassurance if it’s been a few days without feeling the baby and they happily monitor the baby! But I wouldn’t worry or stress about it! It’s so common and normal, I also have a high anterior placenta which is also a reason I don’t feel baby as much xx
I’m 27 weeks and the same. I had finally decided that one day of activity then two days of rest was her pattern, now I’ve been feeling her hourly for three days. I think it’s partially cause I can’t always feel her movements depending on her position and she’s less inclined to stick to a pattern. I’ve been encouraged to just go in if I’m ever worried, so that’s probably a good way to look at it. Trust your mommy instincts ❤️
I also noticed something like this, until I was awake for most of the night and thats when baby seems to move the most. I never took the night time movement/pattern into consideration.
I’m exactly the same as you, a few really big movement days then one or two quieter ones!!! I don’t think I’ll stop worrying until he’s here safely 🤣🤣🤣
I know what you mean, but I’ve noticed when I’m at home chilling and not doing much I feel him move constantly and at night times when in bed, then when I’m out and about I hardly feel him, but I’ve heard that when your busy doing stuff your moments rock baby to sleep and when your relaxed they are wide awake, so maybe when you don’t feel your baby much it because your busy and they’re sleeping? X
Movements** not moments
I have the exact same thing! Some days I feel her all day, others I only get small taps etc but when going to app everything fine. It’s strange isn’t it🤣 I’m defo in the same boat as you