I stopped around 8-10 months. Your body, your choice and your family should respect that.
I'm still feeding and everyone knows not to question me anymore😂
I'm still breastfeeding but I'm the opposite, I want to stop. I'm so done with it now and don't know how to stop it. He relies on it for sleep and I've been giving it as he pleases recently as he's had a viral infection. If you want to carry on feeding, it's none of your families business. It's your body, your baby x
I stopped at 2and half years. I wanted to get to three but due to circumstances I had to. Now I'm breastfeeding my 1and half year old and newborn. I will continue until they 2and half or 3 aswell. Don't let anyone pressure you! Your baby! Your choice! Breastfeeding also has many benfiets regardless of what anyone tells you. When your sick your antibodies go through your milk to your baby or child and helps them be protected also!
We are still breastfeeding. Honestly just ignore the comments and if they persist link them to the WHO page on breastfeeding- clearly states the recommended MINIMUM is 2 years. My family are very supportive of breastfeeding and if I get any comments I will simply state the actual research shows that the longer you breastfeed the better re: long term benefits.
I'm still breastfeeding my 20 month old baby girl. I want to stop it as it's so demanding but I don't see her ready for the change. I will probably continue until she is 2 or so. Now she wants the boob to sleep and to calm down.
I'm still breastfeeding too! She had gone down to just feeding at bedtime, naps and night wakes but since she had HFM over Christmas she wants it in between as well now even just after she's eaten proper food. Everyone keeps asking me when I'm planning on stopping and my husband is keen for me to stop when she's 2 in nearly 3 months. Sometimes I like it still but other times I think I'm done. I just know it will be really hard to stop and I'd feel really guilty taking that comfort away from her x
Still breastfeeding also. Get occasional comments although less now I think my parents (main culprits) are realising their opinion on it doesn't matter 🤣 I'm considering weaning in the summer only because baby 3 is due in September but nothing decided yet. I have a feeling he'll self wean anyway some days he won't have one feed others he might be asking for boob often. He's got his last teeth coming through now. If you're happy and baby is happy BF then crack on. Once it's over it's over & I personally think it's such a special thing to be able to do for and with your baby. Enjoy it holy it lasts xo
Yep, I'm still breastfeeding too!
Same, I’m still breastfeeding too.. usually for sleep and wake up or if he has hurt himself or sick.
I stopped in the day and then just fed before bed until 16 months when my little girl just stopped herself
I still breastfeed, its totally natural. Telling my parents about the WHO recommendation of 2 years minumum really stopped them questioning it.
2 years old and going strong! It's called baby led weaning (not the food kind lol) and it's when you allow the child to stop naturally when they show signs of readiness. Typically anywhere between the ages of 2 and 4! This is not wrong, bad, strange, enabling, coddling, or any other negative reason your family could possibly give for pressuring you to stop. Your baby, your body! Yes it's a lot of work and it's demanding at times, but it's also so natural, nurturing and healthy beyond belief for your long term bond and their growth/development.
Still breastfeeding too - I feed at wake up, lunchtime nap, bedtime, night wakes (which is sometimes none, sometimes 1-3 times in the night) and he will also sometimes ask in the day if he’s not well. Don’t let anyone pressure you into a decision that you and your little one aren’t ready for x