I had the same symptoms when I started taking it. While other iron tablets would result in constipation, Maltofer gives me diarrhoea. Very annoying, but I've always had low iron, so had to select the side effects that bother me less... 😅 My doctor said it's normal and it did get better after the first couple of weeks. Obviously, if it doesn't improve, better to check with your GP and try other brands that might be better for you.
I have always had to go on them for pregnancy my iron levels go so low. I’m 30w with my second successful pregnancy & I have been having to take double so 2x tablets every morning on an empty stomach as they work best. It does make you a bit nauseous especially early on in the pregnancy I couldn’t keep them down with how sick I already was. I get mixed either soft ish kinda on the verge of diarrhoea or super constipated & Black as poo! 💩 😂 with me after a while like few months of taking them your body settles down with it and gets all used to it.
I took liquid supplement have you tried it
Apparently iron can make sickness in the first tri worse. Also I was advised that if when going to the toilet it’s really black then just to take every other day as you are essentially getting rid of excess iron anyway - It may also help build your tolerance if you’ve just started too
I take them daily. I had that nausea and the runs for just a day after the first 2 or 3 days of taking. Then I’m back to normal after. I take every morning before breakfast too and so far just dries my stools and makes it black in colour. So I also take beno fibre everyday/or second day to keep it soft. DO NOT CONSUME DAIRY WHEN TAKING IT AS THE TABLET WONT WORK. have dairy at least an hour or two after taking or before taking tablet (google or ask dr for more info as to why you can’t have dairy while taking iron). Hope this helps but this is just my experience ✨
I was told to take after a meal, but shouldn't take dairy 30 min before and after the medication. Calcium stops the absorption of iron.
I have been taking them in the afternoon after lunch or around 4pm but the nauseousness and diarrhoea happens the next day morning. Finding this a bit strange.
I also found it made me nauseous and gave me diarrhoea and didn’t increase my iron levels by much I find the best iron supplement to be the naternal vitamins ironbiotic it’s the only one with zero side effects and actually took my ferritin levels from a 3 to 32 in a few weeks
I was told to only take at night