How soon after your miscarriage ended did you get your period? I’m wanting to start tracking ovulation again
@Danielle I started my period 3 weeks after x
I will be three weeks on Tuesday that I had my surgery but my miscarriage started in December although I feel like I’m getting my period soon. I wasn’t sure it could be that early x
I was 3 weeks also x
Hope you both get your rainbow bubbas soon 🌈 Think I’m just going to put this down to late ovulation as really don’t want to get my hopes up too soon x
How do you get the numbers on the side of these ovulation sticks? Xx
I use an app called Premom. It’s scans and gives you the readings xx
I miscarried in jan too, had my first period on the 1st feb and I’m 7dpo and my test is .53 so weird d