Feeding schedule

I'm changing my LGs routine slightly now she's 8mo. I'm dropping from 4x milk feeds to 3x milk feeds, with 3x meals instead of 2. Does this look okay? What are your routines like? 7:30: wake up 8:00: Milk 270ml 9:00: Breakfast 10:00: Nap 12:00: Lunch 13:00/13:30: Nap 14:30: Milk 270ml 17:00/17:30: Dinner 19:00: Milk 270ml 19:30: Bed
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We have just done the same with our 8 month old. 7 wake up and bottle Breakfast at 9 Nap at 10-11:30 Dinner at 12 Bottle at 2:30 Nap at 3-4:30 Tea at 5 Bottle at 7:30 Bed at 8

@Kara how much milk are you giving? Do they eat much solid food?

Il give him 3 x 7oz. He has breakfast (weetabix or porridge) he will have about 5 spoonfuls of dinner plus veg or fruit sticks then for tea the same. He’s only started to have tea x

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