Milk change

LO is currently suffering from reflux and trapped wind. We’re currently on Aptamil, using Dentinox in her bottles and she’s on omeprazole. Thinking of trialing a different formula. Has anyone had any luck on Aptamil Comfort or Hipp Organic?
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Not Aptamil Comfort or Hipp Organic but we used Aptamil anti reflux and it helped relieved the symptoms but my daughter ended up being gassy and bloated as it is frothy and bubbly. I changed her to SMA anti reflux and she’s much better now xx

My friend's baby started suffering with a lot of reflux recently after aptamil started being produced in a different country (no change in ingredients apparently but something has obvs changed) so she's been using the pre made bottles

My daughter has reflux and trapped wind and she’s on Hipp organic, weee thinking about changing formula but don’t know to what 😣 Maybe it’s just not working for her could be different for you ☺️

My little boy suffered with reflux so bad to the point he ended up being on prescription milk thinking he had cows milk protein intolerance. We eventually tried weaning him on to the hip milk and we’ve never looked back we still kept him on the carabel to keep his milk thicker but the milk it’s self is thicker and he’s been fine with it. X

@Ellimay my GP wants to try prescription milk but I’m not convinced it’s CMPA. Her poos are fine when she goes and she isn’t in pain while feeding it’s just after. Did Hipp help with the reflux? X

We moved from aptamil to hipp anti reflux and then hipp comfort (to ease constipation caused by the anti reflux) in that time paid private for tongue tie assessment and had it divided as nhs said he only had mild tongue tie. Turns out the appearance was mild but he was actually moving his tongue in reverse which is why he had sonkuch gas and silent reflux. It's a really tough thing to deal with.

Sorry for only just replying, see my little boys poo was awful, he was constantly screaming in pain. But when I spoke to the dietitian she did say that CMPA can be mistaken when having really bad reflux. The hip milk did and it didn’t help with his reflux he had bad days and good days but we still used the carabel with him but we noticed he was more settled and relaxed with it. But I have known another mum with the exact same problem she tried hip and her little one had no change and made them more uncomfortable.. as bad as it sounds sometimes it’s just trial and error. We had baby gaviscon and it made him 10x worse. I honestly understand your stress. My inbox is always open :). 1 thing I did do to get him on to hip what actually wean him so like say he had 4oz bottle I would do 1 scoop hip to 3 of his other for 1 day then the next do 2 scoops of hip to 2 of the other and so on. X

My little one has awful reflux and has a prescription for omeprazole. He’s now, after trying different formulas, on Cow and Gate Anti Reflux milk. He still has good days and bad but he’s putting on weight :)

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