Well.. once they can brush their teeth but we still have to check... no diapers is easier but then they fight lot...2 boys or 2 girls different. One calm and one noisy. I have year and 4 months age gap. I wish it was 2yrs that would been easier. It's hard when they closer in ages and same sex ,, unless ppl got easy kids that get along. They play together which great but they fight more then play.. ages 3 and 4 better but 4 and 5 yr of age when it was some what better and then it gets worse with all crying and school crying and sick au school... it's like ... they can get ready but they cry and scream to get ready and they don't want school in morning, every day someone crying. They do lie about it gets better. I think girls love school mostly . It's struggle
I have 3 little ones. My oldest is turning 5 in a few days, my youngest will be 2 in April. I have the same question. I'm drowning and I don't feel it gets easier. My oldest is fighting with the middle child. My younger 2 are always whining and fighting. They all need to be occupied all day. I don't get any breaks. My whole family lives in Europe. I don't have a village. My husband is usually at home between 6 and 7 pm. I'm in survival mode. No fun.
I have. 4 month old and 20 month old. I'm dying over here. Some say it's great you get it over with and they will be best friends one day. But man I feel like I'm in the thick of the trenches. Husband is leaving for a month for work next week too, inside I'm filled with anxiety with no help
I don’t have an answer for you but I’m there with you! I have a 2 months old and a 2 1/2 year old and I’m struggling! My toddler still needs me so much but so does the baby. I’m having a hard time finding a balance. I love my kids but as bad as it sounds I’m not enjoying this very much. I’m hoping once they are older it gets easier.
Sorry you’re in the same boat. It’s just so tough isn’t it! I feel like I am just existing currently. ❤️ hopefully it gets better for u all soon..
Which bits are you struggling with like is there any systems or things you could do to make it easier for yourself?