Wow that’s so good! Our boys going through a sleep regression but I think he might be coming out of it, he’s up twice now 1am & 4am!
Exactly the same here! - we managed to get to 4 hourly, 6oz about 2 weeks ago but it was very short lived. My LB is back down to 5oz every 3 hours. Sometimes not even taking the full 5! He’s gaining weight & following his centile so I’m not overly concerned. He’s happy in himself. He’s also suffered with reflux since birth, it’s awful isn’t it! - gaining weight well over the last 18 weeks so again, not concerned. Every baby is different so I’m just going by his lead. X
We’ve had a few days of 2/3 wake ups but goes back down with a dummy
Were the same she has 6 bottle but rarely finishes the 150ml and goes 2.5-3 hrs between most nights sleeps through from 9pm to 6am ish.