Frequent formula feeding

My little boy just will not go more than 2.5/3 hours between feeds. Is this normal? Usually 2.5 hours, very rarely makes it to 3! He can do a long stretch at night about 5/6 hours. I see a lot of mums say their babies are going 4 hours or more between feeds. He usually has 5oz because we have had to reduce it due to him not drinking a full 6oz and often doesn’t finish 5oz. He’s growing fine as far as I can tell, he’s on the 40th percentile from when we last weighed him a week ago. He also has reflux so is often bringing up a lot of his feeds. I don’t know if this is relevant but he has been the same since birth and was breastfed for the first 10 weeks of his life. Would really like to know if this is normal for anyone else?
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Were the same she has 6 bottle but rarely finishes the 150ml and goes 2.5-3 hrs between most nights sleeps through from 9pm to 6am ish.

Wow that’s so good! Our boys going through a sleep regression but I think he might be coming out of it, he’s up twice now 1am & 4am!

Exactly the same here! - we managed to get to 4 hourly, 6oz about 2 weeks ago but it was very short lived. My LB is back down to 5oz every 3 hours. Sometimes not even taking the full 5! He’s gaining weight & following his centile so I’m not overly concerned. He’s happy in himself. He’s also suffered with reflux since birth, it’s awful isn’t it! - gaining weight well over the last 18 weeks so again, not concerned. Every baby is different so I’m just going by his lead. X

We’ve had a few days of 2/3 wake ups but goes back down with a dummy

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