My LO likes zippy cups but today i tried straws only and she hated it she will drink water out straws but for milk she wants a sippy so here for comments cus same 😭
Weighted straw cups like the bluey ones at Walmart were the only way my boy would drink anything without a bottle in the beginning.
Same here. Our toddler will drink water out if the weighted straw cup but not formula 😞
@Caitlyn yes he does!
same here . My daughter only drinks water and whole milk she’s 17 months . She will drink water all day from a cup or a straw but once she tastes milk out of anything besides her bottle she will A) gag and make herself vomit or B) cry and throw it away. Tbh she only drinks her bottle for nap and bedtime and it’s Sucked down so quick that i’m not stressing it
@Cassandra literally my same thought process like is it really that big of a deal 😭
Does he take a sippy cup at all? You might have to offer him the sippy cup more often with whatever he drinks out of the bottle in it.