I used Aptamil with my daughter when I sadly couldn’t breastfeed. She did amazingly on it. I’m planning to use it with this baby too. X
We used cow and gate with our first- purley as it was the most accessible in most shops and supermarkets! It’s made by the same people as aptimal also :)
We used kendamil last time but I won’t be using it again this time it’s an absolute nightmare to get hold off.. I’m gonna go with cow & gate I think or aptamil as both are so easily available! All stage 1 milk is legally nutritionally the same anyway so just go with the what’s easily available to you x
Thank you so much ladies!! Xx
Agree with Megan. Go with what ever you can get access to easily as they are all nutritionally the same x
All infant baby 1 milk has the same nutritional ingredients. Don’t go for an expensive on. I think cow and gate is the cheapest x
All formula had to have the same vitamins and minerals however all brands use different additives or extra probiotics etc which is why some babies don't agree with some formulas and it can be a bit of trial and error. I would have a Google and read the full ingredients lists and go from there. With my last baby I used kendamil as it was British cows milk and didn't contain palm oil which I try to avoid in my own diet x
Cow and gate is well priced and our daughter got on really well with it! Will be using it again with our next baby. Aldi mamia is also really good but was difficult to get hold of sometimes. Aptamil wasn’t great for us that’s what we started with but our daughter had reflux with it and it was much more expensive - expensive doesn’t always mean better when it comes to formula. All babies seem to respond differently to different formulas so it might take you a few tries to see which formula works with their little gut! With cow and gate if you buy it from Costco it works out just under than £7 per tub
Aptamil is really good. You can get ready made formula or powder