EBF moving to Formula

Is anyone else EBF and wanting to introduce formula? I enjoy feeding him but if I’m honest I feel like I want my body back a little bit. 😅 we’ve never been amazing at feeding. He always seems unsettled and I think he’s hungry. Any advice/experience is welcome please xx
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So I was EBF and felt the same as you so started to introduce formula. My LB is on Kendamil organic and he has 3 bottles of formula a day and the rest of the time he’s breastfed. I do it so his first feed in the day is a formula then one between lunch and tea then his last one before bed. I’ve found doing it this way and with routine has made a massive difference. He’s sleeping for longer and seems a lot more settled. It did take him about a week or so to get used to the formula and the bottles. However when he’s had his jabs he sort of refuses a formula so I find he doesn’t finish the bottle and he just wants the breast I assume more for comfort xxx

My LO is coming fed so he had boob then formula top ups as I dint produce much. My LO is in cow and gate as its all they had in the hospital x

We breast feed but my partner give a bottle of formula in the night around 3am to give me a break (but if I’m honest it doesn’t cause he doesn’t really settle after the bottle anyway so I end up BF to send him to sleep). I really do empathise with how you feel, my first was FF and slept like a dream, my second just doesn’t like sleeping long stints and I have no idea whether it’s the BF or just who he is. But he doesn’t zonk out like I thought he would after his bottle in the night. I have put no pressure on myself to BF till a certain date, just whenever it feels right to stop - if that feels like right now for you then go for it. Happy mum, happy baby!!

I've been thinking about this too but so far my baby is not having it, we've offered him SMA, Aptamil and Cow & Gate. He turns his nose up at them all 🥱 BUT I just realised the teats will still be newborn ones so I'm gonna get faster flow teats and see if that helps, someone also suggested giving a mix of breast and formula to help baby adjust to the taste which is kind of a ballache but looking like the only option 😅

Are you planning to combi feed or give up breastfeeding completely?

I completely understand wanting your body back. I’m finding it tough this last couple of weeks. We have tired to ween onto formula but not had any luck due to my daughter projectile vomiting afterwards. After a doctors visit they told us to keep giving formula little and often but it seems so cruel as she is sick every-time . She has now also started screaming when she realises it isn’t breast milk which is tough. I hope you have better luck than us! 🤍

@Shelby thank you!

@Conchi combi feed for a while but then go to formula eventually x

I am debating the same. I really enjoy being able to feed but I am torn between this and wanting my body/time back. We started by giving one bottle of formula before bed maybe two weeks ago. We are now introducing a few more bottles so I tend to feed my daughter when she first wakes (and overnight if any) and then she has another feed around midday. The rest of the time she is on bottles (expressed or formula) and I pump in the evening. Sometimes, I will BF more during the day, mostly if my boobs are sore but I can't be bothered to pump!

I combi feed. Sometimes it’s nice for someone to give our little one a bottle so I can have a break and sometimes when we are out for the day it’s easier to breastfeed as you aren’t looking for hot/ cold water.

@Molly the only reason I ask is make sure you don't stop breastfeeding all of a sudden yo avoid having engorged breasts or mastitis. Reduced a maximum of one feed every two weeks so your boobs get used to it.

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